We value your privacy

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Marieke van Hout - de Groot

2018年5月24日 上午9:49:272018/5/24
收件者:OpendTect Announce、OpendTect Developers
Dear OpendTect users

As you will no doubt be aware, the new European General Data Protection Regulation privacy law comes into effect on the 25th May (GDPR).  

At dGB Earth Sciences we value your privacy. Ensuring the ongoing protection of the data you provide us with, is our upmost priority. 

We would like to reassure you that dGB Earth Sciences B.V. have not, and will not, ever retain, sell or use your data in an unauthorized way.

You may, as part of our contact list, occasionally receive information about the work that we do.

If you do not wish to be contacted by us and have your information removed from our systems, please send us an email at  pri...@dgbes.com 

More information about our privacy notice can always be found on our website: 
Thank you for your continued support.

Kind Regards,

Marieke van Hout, MSc.
International Sales Manager

dGB Earth Sciences
Phone:+31 53 4315155

 SEG Distinguished Achievement Award 2016

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