Hyrax 1.15.1

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James Gallagher

Nov 26, 2018, 5:48:23 PM11/26/18
to OPeNDAP Inc., ope...@opendap.org, James Gallagher

We are happy to announce that Hyrax 1.15.1 is released. This version is (mostly) a bug-fix release for Hyrax 1.15.0. See https://www.opendap.org/software/hyrax/1.15.1.

The MDS (Metadata Store) was installed incorrectly from the CentOS rpm packages; fixed.

This version of the server also includes the first developer (i.e., source) release of the BALTO brokering code and an alpha version of JSON-LD support for BALTO/Hyrax.

Included, in addition to the RPM packages for CentOS 6 and 7 and source tar balls, are Docker images for the server both with and without the ncWMS service. See https://hub.docker.com/u/opendap/ or the link on the Hyrax release page.

Specific tickets fixed for 1.15.1

HK-277 hyrax-dependencies on the web site are out of date
HK-269 The current BES RPM package installs with MDS unwritable
HK-258 Modify roi() server-side function so that it is more flexible in the kinds of arguments it can use
HK-215, HK-246 Support subsetting a 3D+ variable using the roi() function
HK-268, HK-108, HK-257, HK-136, HK-224, HK-249, HK-152, HK-222 Implement Continuous Delivery for Hyrax binary packages
HK-214, Add Debian package build to libdap and BES
HK-103, Build an initial version of the BALTO broker for two different data source types: Hyrax and Files accessible using HTTP
HK-22 The max_response_size limit is not working.
HK-1, HK-2, HK-3, HK-10 Data Transfer Errors in DMR++

The full release notes follow.


Joe Lee

Feb 26, 2019, 10:16:56 PM2/26/19
to James Gallagher, OPeNDAP Inc., ope...@opendap.org
Hi, James!

  Do you have any detailed instruction / documentation  on running dmrpp_module with S3?

  I could run Hyrax on AWS EC2 free tier but space is very limited after instalation so
  I need to run dmrpp_module to handle 80G HDF5 file on S3.


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James Gallagher

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James Gallagher

Mar 5, 2019, 1:38:15 PM3/5/19
to Joe Lee, James Gallagher, Tech OPeNDAP, ope...@opendap.org

On Feb 26, 2019, at 20:16, Joe Lee <hyo...@hdfgroup.org> wrote:

Hi, James!

  Do you have any detailed instruction / documentation  on running dmrpp_module with S3?

No. If you just have one file, use EBS. But you raise a good point!! We should have docs for this.

Here’s an outline - it’s really not hard. 

In the DMR++ code there’s a tool called ./build_dmrpp that is used to seed the Metadata Store with the DMR++ needed by the handler to read from the granule when it’s in S3. The DMR++ is added to the MDS using a certain URL pathname and that URL path is used to access the DMR++ by the server. The DMR++ has the S3 URL of the granule embedded in it.

It’s pretty much the wild west at this point. But I think you can get it working. Let me know how it goes; we can use your experiences and ideas to make it simpler for less technical users.

James Gallagher


Joe Lee

Mar 6, 2019, 1:15:32 AM3/6/19
to James Gallagher, Tech OPeNDAP, ope...@opendap.org

Hi, James!


Thank you for tips on build_dmrpp.

I made a tiny patch for help message of build_dmrpp tool on GitHub.


However, I could not generate DMR++ map with -r option.

I think the -r option is supposed to write an XML from HDF5 file

 but the tool failed with an obscure error:


[ec2-user@ip-172-31-18-183 hyrax]$ ./build/bin/build_dmrpp -f CER_SYN1deg-1Hour_Terra-Aqua-MODIS_Edition4A_407406.20180601.nc4  -r test.dmrpp

Error: ^{


I built Hyrax from the source for EC2.

 I think my Hyrax is working with http_d_int.h5.dmrpp

after I whitelist cloudydap s3 in gateway module.


  Do you have any clue on how to debug / make -r option work?

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