Debian binaries

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Etienne Godin

Oct 18, 2021, 10:48:19 AM10/18/21
to OPeNDAP Tech
Dear OPeNDAP-tech,

I am very interested in making Hyrax work to improve our climate data interoperability. Amazing software really. Been working with Docker instances already but now going to a non-virtualized instance.

For now I am still figuring out how to properly compile from source, still working on it.

As an alternative I was looking at the binaries for Debian*

In the past (up to version 1.15) there was some .deb packages available with the release of Hyrax but not since, as far as I can say from reading forums and browsing GitHub and the project homepage.

I was wondering if there was plans from the  Dev-Team to make Debian packages available sometime in the future.


Etienne Godin
Center for Northern Studies - Université Laval
Canadian Consortium for Arctic Data Interoperability (CCADI)

James Gallagher

Oct 18, 2021, 11:43:37 AM10/18/21
to Etienne Godin, Gallagher James, OPeNDAP Inc.

On Oct 18, 2021, at 08:48, Etienne Godin <> wrote:

Dear OPeNDAP-tech,

I am very interested in making Hyrax work to improve our climate data interoperability. Amazing software really. Been working with Docker instances already but now going to a non-virtualized instance.

For now I am still figuring out how to properly compile from source, still working on it.

As an alternative I was looking at the binaries for Debian*

In the past (up to version 1.15) there was some .deb packages available with the release of Hyrax but not since, as far as I can say from reading forums and browsing GitHub and the project homepage.

I was wondering if there was plans from the  Dev-Team to make Debian packages available sometime in the future.

Thanks for your interest in OPeNDAP.

Sadly, we don’t build Debian packages. Docker should perform well, but there are can be issues with memory size. We use the Docker images for all of our NASA deployments (well, I should say, NASA does) and a key point is to make sure the containers are not memory starved. If you need help with that, lets us know and we will send you information about how those containers are configured for production servers.



Etienne Godin
Center for Northern Studies - Université Laval
Canadian Consortium for Arctic Data Interoperability (CCADI)

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James Gallagher


Etienne Godin

Oct 18, 2021, 11:52:31 AM10/18/21
to James Gallagher, OPeNDAP Inc.
Dear James,

Thank you for the clarification - much appreciated.

I will focus on the build from source option and reconsider virtualization, knowing there are options regarding the memory management for high memory usage environments.


Etienne Godin

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