Hi Abhilash,
Please find the sadis config we are using. Here we have not mentioned any type of workflow. But still the tags and bandwidth profiles are pushed to ONU and OLT.
"sadis": {
"integration": {
"cache": {
"enabled": false,
"maxsize": 50,
"ttl": "PT0m"
"entries": [
"id": "OLT00001",
"hardwareIdentifier": "00:00:ac:19:60:58",
"ipAddress": "",
"nasId": "OLT00001",
"uplinkPort": 16777216
"id": "ONUU00000001-6",
"nasPortId": "ONU00000001-6",
"circuitId": "onu00000001-6",
"remoteId": "ONU00000001-6",
"uniTagList": [
"ponCTag": 55,
"ponSTag": 555,
"technologyProfileId": 129,
"upstreamBandwidthProfile": "Default",
"downstreamBandwidthProfile": "Default",
"isDhcpRequired": false,
"isIgmpRequired": false,
"serviceName": "hsia"
"bandwidthprofile": {
"integration": {
"cache": {
"enabled": true,
"maxsize": 40,
"ttl": "PT1m"
"entries": [
"id": "User_Bandwidth1",
"air": 100000,
"cbs": 30,
"cir": 10000,
"ebs": 1000,
"eir": 10000
"id": "User_Bandwidth2",
"air": 5000,
"cbs": 1000,
"cir": 10000,
"ebs": 1000,
"eir": 10000
"id": "Default",
"pir": 9000000,
"pbs": 1000000,
"cir": 0,
"cbs": 0,
"gir": 0