AES encrytpion disable for US and DS

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Gowtham Boopathi

Jul 16, 2024, 1:50:53 AMJul 16
to VOLTHA Discuss
Hi All,

Could someone let us know how to disable the aes encryption for upstream and downstream.

In openolt adapter, we made below change in yaml file. 

omcc_encryption: false

Also, in the tech profile, we made aes_encryption to false

  "downstream_gem_port_attribute_list": [
      "pbit_map": "0b00000010",
      "aes_encryption": "False",
      "scheduling_policy": "StrictPriority",
      "priority_q": 2,
      "weight": 30,
      "discard_policy": "TailDrop",
      "discard_config": {
        "min_threshold": 0,
        "max_threshold": 0,
        "max_probability": 0

Abhilash Lakshmeshwar

Jul 16, 2024, 2:42:45 AMJul 16
to Gowtham Boopathi, VOLTHA Discuss
Hi Gowtham

That field should enable/disable the aes encryption, once the techprofile is changed you will have to push it again and diable and enable the subscriber service.

Are you using openoltadapter with an whitebox olt


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Gowtham Boopathi

Jul 16, 2024, 2:55:04 AMJul 16
to Abhilash Lakshmeshwar, VOLTHA Discuss
Hi Abhilash,

Yes, we are using openoltadapter with whitebox olt. 

Please find the steps we follow:

1. VOLTHA is up and running using helm
2. Create a Techprofile and push it to etcd at tp_id 129
3. Create a sadis config locally and push it to ONOS. (in this sadis config, technology profile mentioned is 129)
4. Provision of OLT using voltctl.

After these steps, we can see, the pbit, tcont, and pq configuration are the same as the config we did in tp_129 (configured correctly ONU). Also from logs from openonu adapter, it shows aes_encryption is false. 

But the ds aes_encrypt is shown enabled in ONU. (it happens through OMCC)

Screenshot from 2024-07-12 18-52-45.png

Gowtham Boopathi

Abhilash Lakshmeshwar

Jul 16, 2024, 5:31:56 AMJul 16
to Gowtham Boopathi, VOLTHA Discuss
HI Gowtham,

The OMCC encryption is controlled by the helmchart value 'omcc_encryption' in the openolt adapter values. setting it to false should disable the OMCC encryption


Gowtham Boopathi

Jul 16, 2024, 5:34:29 AMJul 16
to Abhilash Lakshmeshwar, VOLTHA Discuss
Hi Abhilash,

Yes, we have configured it. But still ONU sets aes_encryption for the DS XGEM port.

Gowtham Boopathi

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