Okay, so I think it's safe to say nobody cares about the date. :D
Arne is on vacation right now, but since the Branch Cut for Opencast 16
is fast approaching, I made the executive decision to hold a last Review
Friday on the old schedule this week so we can maybe get a few pull
requests in before that. Afterwards, the Review Friday will happen on
the _second_ Friday of each month until further notice.
Hope to see you there, check out open pull requests here:
https://pulls.opencast.org/ and talk to us here:
https://matrix.to/#/#opencast-community:matrix.org, yadda yadda. If
you've never done a review before, don't worry, just show up and we'll
talk you through it. I'll probably be available at 8am UTC at the latest.
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D-26123 Oldeburg