Review Friday: Change the date?

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Apr 9, 2024, 6:16:26 AMApr 9
to Opencast Users
Hello Review Fridayers,

I briefly would like to talk about the date of the Review Friday. Currently we are holding at the last friday of every month, with the intend that at the end of the month, people would be done with their most pressing tasks and could participate (relatively) stress free. However, Katrin recently told me that for her it is quite the opposite, in that having Review Friday at the end of the month is *more* stressful for her. An easy way to help her out would be to move Review Friday to the second friday of every month instead. If this would cause you any troubles, please speak up, else I will change the date to second friday next month.

Best wishes,
Arne Wilken

Katrin Ihler

Apr 22, 2024, 12:18:39 PMApr 22
Okay, so I think it's safe to say nobody cares about the date. :D

Arne is on vacation right now, but since the Branch Cut for Opencast 16
is fast approaching, I made the executive decision to hold a last Review
Friday on the old schedule this week so we can maybe get a few pull
requests in before that. Afterwards, the Review Friday will happen on
the _second_ Friday of each month until further notice.

Hope to see you there, check out open pull requests here: and talk to us here:, yadda yadda. If
you've never done a review before, don't worry, just show up and we'll
talk you through it. I'll probably be available at 8am UTC at the latest.

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