Database changes

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Julian Kniephoff

Jul 22, 2022, 9:22:35 AM7/22/22
to Opencast Annotation Tool
Hello everyone,

I just "released" a new version of the Annotation Tool. (Remember, we follow a rolling release model, so this really just means I pushed a new version to the `master` branch.) The corresponding commit is 84d3787fa4882033d4f4b5551903e3928c9ed6c7. This commit (and the one before it) contain some changes to the database. Unfortunately we still don't have any formalized way to deliver database migrations, but we *do* have this list now, so I thought: At least put this info *somewhere*! ;D

So, if you update do a version of the Annotation Tool that contains the above commit, you should update your database! Note that if you don't know what the following stuff means, contact your "Annotation Tool service provider," if they don't already read this list anyway.

The first two steps are optional, but would allow you to save longer texts in free text annotations and comments. To do this, execute the following DDL:

alter table xannotations_annotation modify text longtext default null;
alter table xannotations_comment modify text longtext default null;

Note that this assumes you start out with the schema that previous versions of the tool generated. If you customized the schema in any way (collation, encoding, ...) you need to adapt those statements!

The third step is mandatory. Without this, (some features of) the tool will stop working! Run

alter table xannotations_label rename column seriesLabelId to series_label_id;

All of the given statements were written with a reasonably modern version of MariaDB in mind. If you use Postgres or have an older version of MariaDB/MySQL, you might need to change the syntax slightly. This is left as an exercise to the reader. ;P

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