Job opportunities at Open Data Services Co-operative

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Duncan Dewhurst

Jul 22, 2021, 6:33:48 PM7/22/21
to Open Contracting Data Standard - Discussion Group
Hi folks,

Want to work on OCDS and other open data standards? Good news - Open Data Services Co-operative is hiring!

Our co-operative aims to make open data useful, usable, and in use. We work with organisations to deliver sustainable social impact with open data across domains including public contracting, beneficial ownership, charitable grantmaking, and international aid. We're also a workers co-operative; after a probationary period, workers have the right to become members of the co-op, jointly owning and running the business.

We’re looking for people to join our interdisciplinary team to help organizations publish and use open data.

To find out more about the role and to start your application, head to our application platform.

Best regards,

Duncan Dewhurst
Open Data Services Co-operative

I am based in New Zealand (UTC+12).

Open Data Services Co-operative Limited is a company limited by shares, operated as a Workers' Co-operative Registered in England. Company number: 09506232. 1st Floor, Holyoake House, Hanover Street, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M60 0AS
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