World Bank Call for Papers: Data Analytics for Anticorruption in Public Administration

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Camila Salazar

Feb 25, 2021, 3:47:00 PM2/25/21
to Open Contracting Data Standard - Discussion Group
Hi All,

For those interested in researching new methods for measuring corruption, the World Bank launched this Call for papers (deadline on March 15) .  

Research will focus on four core areas:

1. New data-driven approaches to detecting and measuring corruption.

2. Using new data sources and methods to measure the impacts of corruption.

3. Using open data to assess the effectiveness of anticorruption tools, policies, and interventions.

4. Contributing new knowledge that assists policymakers and researchers in addressing and overcoming ethical and technical challenges associated with data quality, privacy, and access issues in the anticorruption field.

If you are interested on using OCDS data as part of your proposal feel free to contact us at!

Best regards,

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