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Feedback requested on proposals for version 0.4 of Beneficial Ownership Data Standard

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Stephen Abbott Pugh

Apr 13, 2023, 3:25:04 PM4/13/23
to Open Contracting Data Standard - Discussion Group
Dear all,

Apologies for cross-posting but I hope that members of this discussion group may be interested in ongoing work being carried out to develop the Beneficial Ownership Data Standard (BODS) which is linked to the Open Contracting Data Standard.

My team at Open Ownership - in partnership with Open Data Services - is continuing our work on developing BODS version 0.4 - and would like to request technical feedback on our latest draft proposals:

Our main proposal focuses on planned improvements relating to capturing changes to beneficial ownership information over time in order to create high-quality, up-to-date and historical records of changes to ownership or control.

Building on this, we have also set out a proposal about better separating core data and metadata within beneficial ownership statements. This leans heavily on the new concept of a 'record' which we plan on introducing.

We’re experimenting with Github Discussions to generate conversation and feedback about a number of other ideas relating to BODS.

We would very much welcome feedback, guidance and advice on all these proposals. Comments can be left on Github or emailed to

This work will inform the core of version 0.4 of the standard. You can read more about our plans for new functionality and follow development on Github.

For reference, last year we set out the five features that implementers should bear in mind if they want to create good auditable records of beneficial ownership in a technical guidance briefing.

Many thanks,

Stephen Abbott Pugh
Head of technology, Open Ownership

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