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Webinar: Inclusive and effective public procurement, Findings and lessons from research in 12 countries

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Camila Salazar

May 26, 2022, 12:33:25 PM5/26/22
to Open Contracting Data Standard - Discussion Group
Hi all! 

I wanted to invite you to our Action Research report launch next Thursday June 2 at 10 am EST, were we will present findings from researchers from 12 countries using open contracting data to promote more inclusive and effective  procurement.  You can find the details below, and register here.  


How can we get more small, medium and women-owned businesses involved in public procurement? What are key risks in public contracts that limit competition and how to better track spending? How engaged is civil society in public contracts monitoring? 

In this webinar, we will discuss the answers to these questions based on the findings of our second Action Research project that enabled researchers globally to investigate topics related to equity and effectiveness of public procurement.

Researchers from Argentina, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Colombia, Costa Rica, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Malawi, Nigeria, Philippines, Puerto Rico and the United Kingdom will highlight the main findings, insights and recommendations to inspire you, our global community.  

Join us, for the launch of our full Action Research report with support from Canada’s International Development Research Centre‘s Open Data for Development program.



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