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Experiences using OCDS in relation to local government projects?

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Robert Worthington

Apr 7, 2022, 7:12:53 AM4/7/22
to Open Contracting Data Standard - Discussion Group
Dear colleagues,

Has anyone come across examples of using OCDS to publish data on contract awards for local government projects?

While this is only a subset of local government procurement, it is an area where there is already strong demand to access (and more importantly use) procurement data.  This blog post explores the area further -

I'm interested in exploring opportunities to improve data quality and update by collaborating with practitioners working on social accountability and citizen engagement.  We have some work underway in Malawi that may provide a space to do this.

Do let me know if you have experiences in this area or would like to explore this in your work.


Tim Davies

Apr 7, 2022, 9:11:41 AM4/7/22
to Robert Worthington, Open Contracting Data Standard - Discussion Group
Hello Robert,

Really interesting post. Have you looked at the Open Contracting for Infrastructure docs:

This has a data model, developed around the Infrastructure Transparency Initiative's disclosure standard (generally I think geared towards larger infrastructure projects?) which wraps contracting processes within a wider project entity. 

The OCDS Metrics extensions might also be relevant in terms of abstract models for monitoring implementation:

However, these standards aside, it sounds to me like you are right to be focussing on the business process and templates used to capture information already - and making sure those are well designed around local need, rather than global standards in the first instance.

All the best


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Yohanna Lisnichuk

Apr 7, 2022, 9:23:17 AM4/7/22
to Tim Davies, Robert Worthington, Open Contracting Data Standard - Discussion Group
Hello Robert, 
The Nuevo Leon state in Mexico implemented OCDS and the standard that Tim mentioned (OC4IDS). You can read more about the technical approach that they followed here
If you have any questions or want to contact them directly, please email us at and we will happy to help you :)


Yohanna Lisnichuk

Lead Data Standard Specialist

+595981867414 | Twitter@yohalisnichuk 


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Daniel Dietrich

Apr 7, 2022, 9:45:32 AM4/7/22
to Robert Worthington, Open Contracting Data Standard - Discussion Group
Hi Rob and all,

there are some interesting local experiences out there. Interestingly, many of them are actually around construction. A few that come to my mind are 

Makueni County in Kenya

South Cotabato in the Philippines

Sekondi-Takoradi in Ghana (CoST might have some other great pointers)

Some of the experiences working with/supporting local governments and local civil society on their journey towards better local procurement results is summarized in this case study.

I hope these might be some interesting pointers. There is, however, much more out there. 

All best
Daniel Dietrich

Am 07.04.2022 um 13:12 schrieb Robert Worthington <>:

Dear colleagues,

Robert Worthington

Apr 8, 2022, 5:38:19 AM4/8/22
to Daniel Dietrich, Open Contracting Data Standard - Discussion Group
Hello everyone,

Thanks for sharing these fascinating examples and resources.  A lot to dig into here.

I’m aware of and have spoken before with DG around the Makueni County portal.  It’s clear that a lot of the data on the portal ties back to infrastructure projects.

The other examples are new to me and are very instructive.

Tim - thanks for the links to the Infrastructure Data Standard toolkit, that is exactly what I am looking for.

I work closely with a number of partners that use a range of social accountability tools (Public Expenditure Tracking Surveys and Social Audits are two examples).  They are largely un-aware of OCDS and hence request this kind of data manually each time they carry out a monitoring programme.

If there is already data available from the Infrastructure Data Standard that would both enable their work and provide some good impact stories.

Is there a way to see where data has already been published under the  Infrastructure Data Standard?



Gavin Hayman

Apr 8, 2022, 6:02:25 AM4/8/22
to Robert Worthington, Daniel Dietrich, Open Contracting Data Standard - Discussion Group
Hi Rob, 

I think another colleague shared on this thread. Yes, OC4IDS being published and used. One of the best examples is Nuevo Leon in Mexico, now being scaled across Mexico under Infraestructura Abierta.


Dr. Gavin Hayman
Executive Director, 
+44 781 865 5888  

N. Dennis Mwafulirwa

Apr 11, 2022, 3:49:26 PM4/11/22
to Robert Worthington, Open Contracting Data Standard - Discussion Group
Thanks for asking Rob. I have also benefited from the resources shared, thanks to all who have shared. I am new to the open contracting model, but find it really interesting and I am learning as much as I can to better manage OC initiatives Malawi. 

Thanks again,



Duncan Dewhurst

Apr 11, 2022, 8:06:45 PM4/11/22
to Robert Worthington, Open Contracting Data Standard - Discussion Group
Hi Rob,

In addition to the example from Mexico, there are sub-national OC4IDS implementations in West Lombok (Indonesia) and Sekondi-Takoradi (Ghana).

If you need any guidance or support to download and work with OCDS or OC4IDS data, do get in touch with and we'll be happy to help.

Best regards,

Duncan Dewhurst
Open Data Services Co-operative

I am based in New Zealand (UTC+12).

Open Data Services Co-operative Limited is a company limited by shares, operated as a Workers' Co-operative Registered in England. Company number: 09506232. 1st Floor, Holyoake House, Hanover Street, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M60 0AS

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