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Seeking Embedded Technical Consultant: National Treasury South Africa

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Carey Kluttz

Sep 21, 2021, 9:17:07 AM9/21/21
to Open Contracting Data Standard - Discussion Group
Hello all,

The Open Contracting Partnership and the National Treasury of South Africa, through the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer, are seeking a technical consultant with knowledge and experience in designing, developing and delivering complex data-driven projects, to provide embedded technical support to the National Treasury over 6 months. 

This will involve working directly with the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer and coordinating closely with the Open Contracting Partnership to:
  • Design and develop a system that collects, aggregates, transforms and publishes the existing and any new procurement data into good quality standardized data, ideally in line with the internationally recognized best-practice Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS).
  • Support to standardize the existing procurement processes to ensure interoperability with existing and new systems.
  • Build the capacity of the technical team, procurement entities and identified users for uptake of the systems.
The consultant will also assist the Treasury and other actors to design methodologies and develop tools for business intelligence, red flags analytics, procurement deviation, and risk-based monitoring and reporting (although the bulk of the work may be performed by other experts.)

The Open Contracting Partnership is a collaboration between government, business and civil society to open up public contracting, with the goals of saving governments money and time, delivering better goods and services, deterring corruption and creating market opportunities. To see how that looks on the ground, see our recent impact stories, including how open contracting helped make infrastructure projects more competitive and transparent in Mexico.

You can get more detail on the position, share with potential candidates, and/or apply by September 30, 2021 at

Many thanks, with apologies for cross-posting,


Head of Country Programs

+1-704-287-7155 | @careykluttz | skype: careykluttz |
follow us @opencontracting & @ocdata

*** What’s hot? The G7 endorses open contracting and our new Quickstart Guide helps power up your procurement reforms ***

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