OCDS Tool Updates: OCDS Kit, Toucan and OCDS Merge

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James McKinney

Jan 6, 2020, 6:46:10 PM1/6/20
to Open Contracting Data Standard - Discussion Group
Hi folks,

We're starting the new year with improvements to several tools.

Toucan helps you get OCDS data ready for use, in your browser. It has two new tools to:

- Convert a CSV or Excel serialization of OCDS data back into JSON

Toucan's tool to generate a spreadsheet version of the release schema (in case the Field Level Mapping Template doesn't meet your needs) also now supports extensions and other options.

OCDS Kit is a suite of command-line tools for working with OCDS data. It is now faster and has better support for large files (i.e. multiple GBs of JSON). Other notable improvements include:

- Adding a new package-records command and package_records library method, to wrap records in a record package
- Updating the compile command and merge library method to be able to process individual releases, in addition to release packages

For all improvements and bugfixes, see the changelog.

Lastly, OCDS Merge is the Python library for creating records. It is now at least twice as fast and has a simpler API – which you can read about in its expanded documentation. It also has new options for handling bad dataAll changes and bugfixes are described in the changelog.

If you have any issues or questions about these or other tools, please feel free to write to this mailing list, create an issue on GitHub, or write to da...@open-contracting.org

Best regards,


James McKinney

Head of Data Products and Services

+1-514-247-0223 | @mckinneyjames | skype: mckinney.james | timezone: EST

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Andrea Borruso

Jan 7, 2020, 3:39:39 AM1/7/20
to Open Contracting Data Standard - Discussion Group
Hi James,
and thank you.

I have a question/proposal for "Toucan's tool to generate a spreadsheet version of the release schema": what about to add a field to indicate the mandatory fields?

Thank you

James McKinney

Jan 7, 2020, 1:51:40 PM1/7/20
to Andrea Borruso, Open Contracting Data Standard - Discussion Group
Hi Andrea,

The "range" column indicates the allowed number of occurrences of the field:

- "0..1" optional
- "0..n" optional array
- "1..1" required
- "1..n" required array

Does that serve your needs? All columns of the mapping sheet are defined here.

Best regards,

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Andrea Borruso

Jan 7, 2020, 5:04:00 PM1/7/20
to Open Contracting Data Standard - Discussion Group, abor...@gmail.com
It's perfect James. Thank you.

Probably it would be useful to have a link to columns mapping sheet page , in the intro section of this page https://toucan.open-contracting.org/mapping-sheet/

Thank you again
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