Need help to configure BGP using ONOS

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Das, Souvik

Jan 9, 2022, 2:36:39 AM1/9/22



I am a PhD student at The University of Texas at Dallas, and I am currently researching on Inter-domain routing and architecture proposals.


I am currently using ONOS as a controller in one of my labs for research work. I am hoping to set up ONOS as an active iBGP router and controller for BGP peers/speakers at the edges.


Till now I have tried setting up sample topologies using SDNIP app of ONOS. However, it makes ONOS act as a passive iBGP listener – means it can’t advertise routes of its own. So, it can’t redistribute routes across other BGP peers (speakers at edges). Currently, this requires creating a mesh of peerings between BGP routers. I am trying to set up a scenario where ONOS can control which routes (prefixes, ASPATHs) get redistributed across different BGP peers (speakers at edges).


Another issue I am facing with SDNIP is that it establishes paths using multipointtopoint intents for routes as soon as they are received by BGP peers (speakers at edges). I am trying to set up my own set of paths and need this feature disabled but I can’t find any way to configure that.


It would be great if someone here could address these technicalities and perhaps guide me how I could refer SDNIP to get started with and build my own app with these use-cases.




jalal elmaadani

Jun 7, 2022, 1:14:32 AM6/7/22
to ONOS Developers, Das, Souvik
hello Das, my name is jalal , am almost having the same problem , did u manage to solve it

thank you 


Eder Ollora

Jun 12, 2022, 5:33:59 PM6/12/22
to ONOS Developers,, Das, Souvik
Hi all,

This is probably not the best answer you expect, but you definitely need to read most of the code on your own (takes a lot of time :( ). I am not sure how many of the original developers are still active in the forum. 

I tried to take a look at the app (I have absolutely no experience with it, though). The question about the intents might be related to this function. There are a few other functions, but cannot be totally sure which one is responsible.

Best luck!

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