How to upload a bazel app separately

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kk Yoon

Jul 4, 2022, 1:02:00 AM7/4/22
to ONOS Developers
Until now, I have created a maven-based app through the onos-create-app utility, 
and I have developed it through the skeleton app.

When I tried to upload another TL1 Provider on the app, there was no jar file in the maven repository, and I thought about how to include the app in onos and compile it through bazel.

However, I am not happy with the situation where I have to turn on the onos again every time I compile. Like the oar app, I want to install/actiavte/deactivate/uninstall with onos turned on through REST API or onos-app utility.

Is there a way?
Please give me some advice.
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