Re: Digest for - 14 updates in 4 topics

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Arland Guzman

Jul 4, 2015, 10:46:45 AM7/4/15
Dear Everyone,

I hope everything is well with everyone.. I have just spent the last 20 minutes, reading  through all the comments and opinions about this topic of our enrolment dillemma.A lot of you may not know me, as i am realtively new to the school  but I just would like to put in my 2 cents worth.. I am Arland, I work at the Institutional Affairs Office of Fr. Carmona. I was assigned to work on the Promotions and Marketing of the School ( Hala ..patay ako). As part of my job, I go from school to school to promote  (primarily) our College and TVET programs with whatever resources (outdated AVPs, Tarpaulines, flyers)  we have left  from years past. A lot of our Feeder Schools whose students were practically waiting in the wings to enroll with us have also taken a different route with their college education. The emergence of  non-traditonal courses (culinary, hospitality courses multimedia arts, geodetic engineering, etc) and colleges  (MINT, I/Academy, STI etc) have attracted students, making it possible for them to pursue a career outside of  the usual “gusto kong maging doctor, awstronot, abogado, president ng pilipinas at engineer” dream jobs. Most of these courses, upon graduation could also land them a lucrative career.  This is not an excuse (for me) for us to explain the low turn out of students every year, but rather it is a (difficult) challenge for all us.. It is a reality for us that times have changed. I know we can put out some study or survey to objectively measure this.
There use to be a time that  when some one finds out that you studied from Don Bosco.. youl be greeted with “ Ah.. magaling  sa Technical yan..!!”, today if your from Don Bosco Mandaluyong.. youl hear.. “Ah yung malapit sa MarketPlace ? This is not a joke.. I hear that from my visits  in other schools. As much as i am saddened by this, i really feel that the work of promoting the school (again, not an excuse for me) is the work of everyone… even our students. If people see that our undergrads, graduates, employees have pride for our school.. Then the school will sell it self.. literally. Much like how Ateneo and DLSU does it.. Parents would pay loads of cash for tuition  for their sons and daughters to be able to study in those schools. I took my college degree in one of those schools, honestly, their facilities are not that “world-class” but still people would shell out the money, because they are proud to be associated with these schools. It is sometimes absurd that by merely wearing the green or blue, you could already  promote the school (How I wish that grey could be identified for us) Their alumni would happily shell out donations just because they know they are helping these schools.
I am not in a position to put out a litany of Do’s and Donts for attracting, “inspiring”  and challenging students. But seeing how everyone in this thread have been passionate about their entries, makes me feel that we can make concrete steps to start being proud again about our school. I know it would  be hard to feel inspired when most of us live of of our meager salaries, but still, lets do it for the students, the school and the future generation.  We have a long way to go but we can always  start in our own workplaces  and promote a culture of pride and excellence. Peace to everyone. Happy Weekend.

On Saturday, July 4, 2015, <> wrote:
> Google Groups <>
> Topic digest
> View all topics
> re Mr. Barbosa's comment - 2 Updates
> college enrollment - 3 Updates
> College enrollment for SY2015-16 - 8 Updates
> Digest for - 3 updates in 1 topic - 1 Update
> re Mr. Barbosa's comment
> "Connie T. So" <>: Jul 03 05:03PM -0800
> To Mr. Barcenas
> Suggestions:
> 1. To re-orient some employees on the 'OBJECTIVES and PROPER USE OF THIS
> 2. To implement the POLICY re use.
> As your former PRINCIPAL, may I request not to give anymore comments
> regarding this issue. I do understand your sentiments because I felt same
> way the first time i heard about this. I already discussed this matter with
> the former Dean and the present Deputy Director of the College Department.
> Our main task is to educate our students and sometimes to educate some
> people. We will sit down as a department, discuss this issue and we will
> address this PROPERLY.
> To the College Department
> If there are past ISSUES or CONCERNS involving the HS AREA, as the former
> head, I am willing to sit down with your Management Team for discussions
> and clarifications. At present, the way some of our colleagues address some
> issues, prompting other people, is definitely NOT helping all of us. We are
> all PROFESSIONALS, so let us address issues the way we are expected to.
> Rodelio Barcenas <>: Jul 04 09:26AM +0800
> Regarding po sa forum, meron po itong guidelines
> Welcome to the Bosconian's Forum.
> We respect each and everyone's thoughts or opinion.
> *We value Reason, Religion and Loving Kindness *in the way we post or go
> through with the discussion.
> Jump, Run, Make Noise but Do Not Sin - as St. John Bosco would say it...
> I hope everyone abide by this simple rule.
> Lets all help build a better Don Bosco.
> Its OK to disagree, to go into discourse, basta respect each other
> lang palagi.
> Think before you Click.
> Back to top
> college enrollment
> "Daryl M. Dalde" <>: Jul 04 06:48AM +0800
> while it may be true that the technical instructors during the '90s were
> inspiring to the students, as per DepEd order released in 1994, requiring
> all classroom teachers of the Basic Education to be licensed under the PRC
> LET, they were "unqualified". Then again the matter of teachers of the
> BED being "uninspiring" is highly contentious. May we know what is the
> basis for this statement?
> Second point, 4 of our teachers are for the college department. They have
> been sent abroad for further studies, they have acquired, credentials, and
> they have been appointed as subject area heads of the technical faculty, to
> claim that the current technical faculty is "uninspiring" is a disservice
> to the college department. After all, it is the college department that
> have given these teachers their first credential- they are the graduates of
> the colleges of engineering.
> Regarding the issue of promotions. We have allotted half a day (4hours)
> during our carreer orientation to our graduating students for the last 4
> years, for our college department to promote our program offerings. We have
> also allotted the same amount of time so that entrance tests for our
> college can be administered during class days. please note that we do offer
> the same to Ateneo, UP or other schools. during the college fair, we
> specifically invited schools that do not offer competing programs to our
> college. We have even limited their promotions to only 1 hour. We have done
> all these in an effort to keep our college department foremost in the minds
> of our graduating students. What have you, Mr. Barbosa, done to promote the
> college department?
> As mentioned by Mr. Manalo, a survey has been conducted to the high school
> students regarding the reasons why they opt to enroll in other tertiary
> institutions. What actions have been taken to address the findings of the
> said survey?
> This forum has been set-up to facilitate communication in our institution.
> Let us not misuse or abuse it to spread baseless allegations and
> misinformation.
> "Daryl M. Dalde" <>: Jul 04 06:53AM +0800
> correction - mistyped. We do *not* offer the same to Ateneo or UP
> (regarding allowing the students to take entrance exams during class hours)
> Rodelio Barcenas <>: Jul 04 09:23AM +0800
> Sir Daryl,
> OK lang po ba mag suggest?
> Can we put this post to the later thread po para hindi magka gulo gulo.
> Just to moderate lang the discussions...
> Thanks sir ha for this valuable input..
> On Sat, Jul 4, 2015 at 6:53 AM, Daryl M. Dalde <>
> wrote:
> Back to top
> College enrollment for SY2015-16
> "Avelino A. Barbosa" <>: Jul 03 02:29PM +0800
> During the late 90's most of the Technical Instructors in BED Department
> are College Upper Year Students and most of them are proficient Tech
> Instructor that inspired, challenged and promote the Engineering courses of
> the College Department (CpE, ME, ECE). I remember my first year in DBTC –
> GE program have section’s A, B and C.
> I think the roster of the current Technical Instructor in the BED are not
> as inspiring as before and not promoting the College Program. The concept
> of Departmentalization of each sector had been a big factor and divided our
> focus in promoting our own institution. Then the negative image that have
> been circulated around about the College. When you enrolled in the College
> Department you will be likely graduated late cause it’s so hard to pass the
> courses in the department.
> I think we need to intensify our own campaign in our institution and DBEC’s
> and even in our former feeders school of GE students. Then we need to
> re-evaluate our tuition fee and miscellaneous fees. I think it’s also a big
> factor to be consider. Even in GS and HS department.
> And maybe there will be a committee that will conceptualized technical
> proposal and funding sourcing that the College Program will be
> beneficiaries. It can be a R&D style.
> "Melvin C. Maranan" <>: Jul 03 11:07PM +0800
> Mr. Avelino Barbosa,
> First of all, let me thank you for showing your support on the use of the
> onebosco account and your concern for our school, especially on the college
> department. So allow me to answer your email.
> Undoubtedly, I am proud to say that I am a product of our college and
> currently one of the Technical Instructors in the BED - High School that
> you refer as "those not inspiring as before". I feel that our role as
> Technical Instructors is to equip our students with proper knowledge,
> skills, attitudes, and habits in the different fields of technology that we
> teach. I also feel that we are proficient enough to become Technical
> Instructors because of the licenses, certifications, and further studies
> that we earned through the years. I am telling you now that, in many ways,
> I promote our college to my students even if I am not formally oriented
> about the details of the college program.
> Coincidentally, based on my personal conversation with some of my students
> for the past years, here are the two most common reasons why they would
> choose to move out of our Institution:
> 1. Students will not take an engineering course or the technical
> course they want is not offered in our college
> 2. Students want to have a different environment for their
> college life.
> Knowing that it is you who deliberately singled-out the Technical
> Instructors as the reason why students transfer to other schools, because
> of us not being inspiring enough and not promoting the college program,
> simply defines your thinking capacity.
> Your interesting claim on the concept "departmentalization" on having
> divided focus on our school promotion also forced me to form this stupid
> analogy that the possible reason why the transfer rate of our GS students
> to our HS is declining is because the GS teachers are not inspiring enough
> as compared to the previous teachers and do not promote the HS program.
> Anyway, why intensify our campaign for the college? I think it should be
> done for our SHS because at this point there will be no first year college
> next school year.
> On the other hand, if you can give time from your very busy work, may I
> invite you to at least provide us with a program proposal for the High
> School Technical Instructors on how can we promote the college program, or
> better yet, for the promotion of the Senior High School instead, which will
> start next school year.
> Undeniably, your way of thinking really inspired me and reminded me of the
> saying... "If you cannot be part of the solution, at least, do not be part
> of the problem."
> "Jonathan A. Fabros" <>: Jul 04 12:01AM +0800
> Mr. Avelino Barbosa,
> Based on the current line up of the Technical Instructors of the High
> School Department, 4 instructors are graduates of the College Department.
> Did you consider the following reasons why graduates of the HS opt to
> choose others school:
> 1. They will not take engineering
> 2. The engineering course they want is not offered in our college
> 3. They want a different environment
> 4. Their parents want them to study in other schools
> Unfortunately, as Mr Maranan also mentioned, you purposely singled-out the
> technical instructors of the HS Department as "those not inspiring compared
> to the 90's" on what basis? For what reason? Anyway, if you can give some
> of your precious time, can you provide us some of your inspiring words that
> might help us inspire our students.
> On Fri, Jul 3, 2015 at 11:07 PM, Melvin C. Maranan <>
> wrote:
> Rodelio Barcenas <>: Jul 04 01:05AM +0800
> Alright sir Paul, and Avelino... can we hear some programs out there? Can
> we? Sir Anthony Malino and the rest felt the same. Count me in also.
> A good program we can look into, dream, and inspire ourselves between
> college and HS.
> On Jul 4, 2015 12:02 AM, "Jonathan A. Fabros" <>
> wrote:
> pmcatalan <>: Jul 03 04:23PM -0700
> Good morning guys! Sorry for this, I think I made quite a mess. I did not
> meant for this when I posted. The reasons given by Melvin and Junatz are
> known and have been discussed in at least one of our MT meetings. The
> phenomenon has been happening for several years now and previous college MT
> made some actions such as crediting technical courses to entice the
> students or their parents to enroll in our college. But despite that,
> still, only a few of our HS graduates enroll in our college... My son
> Paolo is again an HS alumni. We were keen on enrolling him in UP because
> of financial advantages. But actually, Paolo wanted to study in our
> college. If we have no financial constraints, I would have opted that Paolo
> stays in DBTC. Anyways, this phenomenon has been happening for a long
> time. Team mate Melvin, former student Junatz, and colleague Alvin, I was
> just asking if it is still possible to entice our students to enroll in our
> college? I was not referring to Mandaluyong only. I was referring to
> other Salesian schools. I am aware that the mission of all HS departments
> is not to brainwash the students to come to our college. Although, we
> expect the HS teachers to help, but this


Jul 4, 2015, 7:00:48 PM7/4/15
Good morning Arland.  I agree 100%.  :-). There is one thing that struck me though.  There is green, blue, maroon, gold, red, green and gold, gold and white, etc, etc, but I think I have not seen gray.  Maybe the color is reserved for us.  Maybe we could all work for promoting the gray, blue and white in our own workplaces just like Arland said. I believe too that our graduates are the best marketing arm.  They are our walking, talking and working advertisements. In 2010, during a Shell Eco Marathon promotion, I was interviewed by a staff of ABS-CBN, and she referred to Don Bosco as a good technical school.  In 2003, I went to Bukidnon, Mindanao and a mayor said that he knew Don Bosco and it is a good technical school and it works for the poor and the young. Some people still say these.  I think the image is still there but maybe not that strong anymore for some reasons. Technical, poor and young are the things Don Bosco has been known for. So, could these be our COMMON niche (+We are Servant Leaders)?  Just asking. :-)

User Accounts Management

Jul 4, 2015, 10:44:02 PM7/4/15

I would like to share some of my insights regarding this. Previously, during the times I was given a responsiblility to run a bsit program, I was once invited by Guidance office to help market the school in several HS institutions. Nakakapagod yun ha. Wholeday presentation. Tapos when enrollment time comes kaunti lng ang nanggaling dun sa pinuntahan namin. Pero nung nandun kami marami HS studs sabi DBTC sila.

I believe that the last say will be the parents. Sana sa parents na lng nag marketing...

During my term we shifted our focus to make the Capstone Projects integrated withthe industry. So yung mga college studs namin sa bsit program deal with the industry people, bakit hindi? Nandun mga parents diba? Industry people (parents) became so curious about our students na nakakasabay sila sa industry. It was marketing in am indirect way.

Im not bragging or boasting myself, records shows that BSIT almost reach 3digits enrollment. Sayang, hanggang 99 lang ang highest namin freshmen. Its on record.

In this light, siguro shift marketing to the one who really decides (the parents)... Just my fifty cents worth of idea.

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Arthur Edang

Jul 5, 2015, 8:03:48 PM7/5/15
Is there a Like button which allows me to express appreciation with just a click, without having to type my comment?


Feb 22, 2016, 8:31:26 AM2/22/16
to The Pinardi Shed (Forum)
Hello guys.  After a long time and while in the middle of promoting SHS and the school, I could not help but ask all of you this question: in your opinion, where should DBTC put more emphasis in promotion, traditional education (academic) or, technical or tech voc education?  One is outright popular and one is considered as second rate.  One has been considered as our strength and one that is being promoted because of popularity in surveys.  Right now, I am confused.

On Saturday, July 4, 2015 at 10:46:45 PM UTC+8, agguzman wrote:

Winston Dereje

Feb 22, 2016, 2:13:56 PM2/22/16
Pinu-promote naman natin pareho sir. Pero, kung emphasis ang pinag-uusapan, TECHVOC tayo - ito kasi ang strength ng Don Bosco. (Opinion ko lang sir.) Prepare natin advantages and uniqueness natin if they choose TECHVOC. Ready din tayo sa mga "Frequently Asked Questions."

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Arthur Edang

Feb 22, 2016, 5:58:37 PM2/22/16
Hi Arland, It was only now that I read your post, but it remains a very timely message for the whole EPC.  Well-said bro!


Maria Cristina Vista

Feb 22, 2016, 5:58:54 PM2/22/16
Agree po ako kay Sir Tongz na TECHVOC ang strength natin and this has been where Don Bosco is known for since the establishment of the institution here in the Phils. Eto rin po ung feedback ng karamihang mga magulang na nakakausap namin. But, they always ask, HOW MUCH...Yesterday lang po, a parent from City Hall, approached me and regrettably he opened up that he had to pull out and transfer his 2 sons due to financial reason.Ung equivalent daw po ng isang anak nya dito at katumbas na ng tuition ng dalawang anak nyang inilipat duon po.He agreed na walang question na maganda po ang formation at foundation dito sa Don Bosco. In fact, after a period of adjustment, his 2 boys are now doing good and are excelling in English and Science. He said he is just being practical.

So with this, it shows po that one reason why parent are reluctant to enroll in this school is due to higher tuition fee as compared to other school.

So sa amin pong pananaw, ito po ang dapat nating gawan ng paraan. Mungkahi po nI Mr. Vista, ay magkaroon ng TUITION FEE SUBSIDIES through SCHOLARSHIP GRANTS,by having a massive campaign looking for sponsors from companies, organizations, entities or even foundations,here and abroad especially from our dear alumni.One scheme would be, an alumni can sponsor a scholar,then after his studies, the Scholar can sponsor another student as paying forward for the grant he has received.

Moreover, if I may add po, I feel, there should be something more in our being TECHVOC that we need to highlight po. If we can offer a solution to the financial constraint of parents wanting to enroll in our school, there should still be a niche of being a TECHVOC, an edge, that is relevant and socially responsible, in comparison with other techvoc institution that we are at par with, if there is any. Baka po eto ung pwedeng pang-level up, of the techvoc strength that our institution is known for. With the financial and formation package that we wish to offer, baka po mahirap tayong tanggihan. Suggestion lang po...

On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 3:13 AM, Winston Dereje <> wrote:

Arthur Edang

Feb 22, 2016, 6:06:07 PM2/22/16
In support of Sir Winston's idea, it is NOW very important to support our claims with scientific studies.  What keeps our TVET, and now our TECH-VOC tracks, the de facto model and standard of technical education? With our unique TECH-VOC program, the eyes of the country are on us, waiting for our results.  This is our moment, so we better bring out good numbers.  More to follow ...

On Tue, Feb 23, 2016 at 3:13 AM, Winston Dereje <> wrote:

Rodelio Barcenas

Feb 22, 2016, 6:10:19 PM2/22/16

I will agree that sir winston. Sa job arena kasi lakas ni Don Bosco. Anyone have done surveys can attest to that. Why not introduce more TechVoc courses and de-clog college? Example, bring the 2year ACT program down to K12. The CISCO certification can go with it. SAP can be linked with it plus all the certificate level topics.

De-clogging college does not mean losing focus on it. We just need to get rid something that is hampering to fulfill its mission

K12 = Job Creation / Getting a job
College = Research (its about time)

College should not be having the same goals as K12 (when you graduate, you will find a job)

Declog the College and set a new direction towards strengthening Research and Development.

There are many Jobs or TechVoc courses College can create to help our K12.

If Don Bosco is known in the Technology area, lets focus on that.

Let College do the Research as required of them. Let college help in the K12 area. Develop more courses in TechVoc.

It will be a start of an exciting,  challenging and rewarding journey of a new DBTC...


King Howard A. Maneclang

Feb 22, 2016, 8:32:43 PM2/22/16
Bilang isang alumnus ng DB HS (batch 2006) Masdapat na iemphasize ang Techvoc, masmalakas ang Bosconian dun at maskilala ang bosconian dun.
King Howard A. Maneclang, ME, RMP
Don Bosco Technical College
ME Faculty

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." -Philippians 4:13

Rodelio Barcenas

Feb 22, 2016, 8:45:05 PM2/22/16
Or try to setup a Career Camp?
(Just my imagination)

Example; for every program sa college;

Architecture - can be broken down to several certification courses;
i.e. Draftsman, Landscaping... etc  

i.e. bookkeeping, 

and many more...

I believe yung mga small courses have an NC or certification mechanism sa country natin...

Its a long shot and resource demanding... but a good goal and investment.

Rodelio Barcenas
ICT Manager 
DBTC Mandaluyong
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