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Bend's Tuesday Night Rubber Mallet: Rolls out from Webcyclery - 5/14 @ 5:30PM

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David Caplan

May 13, 2024, 5:36:54 PM5/13/24
to OBRA Chat
The Rubber Mallet will roll out at 5:30PM on 5/14 from Webcyclery at 157 NW Franklin Ave

Come join us for a fun and spirited group ride. We emphasize safety, good on-road cycling manners, and riding cooperatively. We will have 2-3 regroupings. Average speed is 19-20mph. If you feel the need to go harder, I suggest you join in with the Tuesday Night Hammerfest. 

The Rubber Mallet alternates between three different routes, two rolling, and one climbing/descending.

5/14Climbing route. Up to Sunriver Cutoff (bring a layer for the chilly descent)
Regroups at turn-around points before descents.

5/21: Twin Bridges CCW:
Regroups at OB Reilly intersection, highway crossing, and top of west side of Twin Bridges.

5/28Twin Bridges CW, new "TJ route" with bonus summit finish:
(map to come)
Regroups: Tyler&Tumalo Res, highway crossing, top of east side of Twin Bridges.

Ride on!
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