Home Movie Day 2023: 10/29 @ Jefferson Market Library

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Niki Korth

Oct 18, 2023, 8:57:39 AM10/18/23
to miap-new...@nyu.edu, NYU MIAP Alumni, Tisch-MIA...@nyu.edu, NYU MIAP Students
The NYU AMIA Student Chapter is organizing Home Movie Day 2023 in collaboration with the New York Public Library!

Sunday, October 29 at 2pm-5pm
Jefferson Market Library, Auditorium
425 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY

Do you have home movies but can't watch them?

Join us for Home Movie Day 2023 to have them inspected and screened at the library for one day only!

We accept: 16mm - Super 8mm - VHS - MiniDV

Please help to spread the word, and share this information with your networks! Use this link to share on social media, or just forward this email and flyer!

hmd poster (1).jpg
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