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Rare Screening at BAM Tomorrow: FRANS VAN DE STAAK (+ STRAUB/HUILLET)

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Niki Korth

Oct 21, 2024, 2:58:48 PM10/21/24
to NYU MIAP Alumni,
Greetings: You are invited to this very rare 16mm double-program taking place tomorrow night at the Brooklyn Art Museum, co-organized by MIAP alum Carlos Saldaña ('24). 

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Imported 16mm prints, live subtitled.


Hailed by Jean-Marie Straub as the “only true heir to Dziga Vertov,” filmmaker and painter Frans van de Staak (1943-2001) was a prolific underground figure who held a special place in Dutch cinema. His films investigate space-time and language with a mixture of anarchy and rigor—wild intuitions fixed on film with extreme clarity. While a consummate avant-gardist, he never rejected the elements of a traditional film: actors (and non-actors), camera movements, staging, dialogue, scenes, incident, gestures. Instead, he alienated these ingredients through off-kilter repetitions and dislocations, scattering narrative to the wind to see what tension and energy was left behind.

This series is among the first presentations of van de Staak's films to be organized in the United States.

Program 1 at 7pm

Deed Undone (dir. Frans van de Staak, 1989)

Imported 16mm, live subtitled. 73 min.

Preceded by

Every Revolution is a Throw of the Dice

(dir. Jean-Marie Straub & Danièle Huillet, 1977)

35mm. 10 min.

Program 2 at 9pm

People Passing Through Me in an Endless Procession

(dir. Frans van de Staak, 1981)

Imported 16mm. 86 min.

“Film is life for me… My political leanings have grown from a feeling of helplessness against criminal institutions, the government and the army, etc. The result of that helplessness is different. Suicide, retreating into yourself, or fighting back.  I want to fight back. It is my duty. I do it through my films.” - Frans van de Staak

Niki Korth
Academic Program Manager
Moving Image Archiving and Preservation | MIAP
Martin Scorsese Department of Cinema Studies
Tisch School of the Arts | New York University
665 Broadway, Room 637; New York, NY 10003
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