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Applications open for free digital preservation workshop for US-based individuals offered by DPOE-N

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Jess Cayer

Apr 29, 2021, 1:48:17 PM4/29/21
to NYU MIAP Alumni, NYU Digital Humanities
Sorry for the cross-post! Please do share with anyone you know who might be interested!


The Digital Preservation Outreach & Education Network (DPOE-N) is excited
to offer a free virtual workshop for US-based library, archives, and museum
professionals focused on digital preservation and audiovisual media...

*Introduction to Digital Preservation for Moving Image and Sound* Virtual Workshop | Thursday May 27th and Friday May 28th, 2021 | 2:00-5:00pm EST

Moving image and sound materials were challenging to steward in the analog era, and now with the turn to digital preservation, an entirely new set of challenges are presented for collection managers. While there is clear overlap between digital preservation of static material and time-based media, many unique factors are involved in the latter, including characteristics such as multiple codecs within a container, multi-track audio recordings, obscure analog video formats, handling large files, and so on. The workshop will provide an overview of factors like these, alongside exercises to assist in working with moving image and sound material in digital preservation activities.

This two-day workshop is designed to provide an introduction to digital preservation with a focus on the moving image and sound asset lifecycle. Alongside digital preservation fundamentals, attendees will learn about current advances in the field, format identification, what audiovisual materials to prioritize for transfer, readying materials for digitization, quality assurance and metadata for the purpose of digital preservation. An introduction to a selection of software tools, and some hands-on work will be incorporated. Participants will come away with practical skills and methods for crafting and implementing a digital preservation workflow for audiovisual materials in their collections, and a basic knowledge of the purpose and application of technical metadata. Time will be reserved for participants to sign up for one-on-one office hours so that individualized questions may be addressed by the instructor.

This workshop is being hosted by the Digital Preservation Outreach & Education Network (DPOE-N) in partnership with New York University Moving Image Archiving & Preservation (MIAP) program and Pratt Institute School of Information. It is being offered *tuition-free*, thanks to generous support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

The application for this program is now available online at:

*The deadline to apply is May 10, 2021.*

Applicants must be located in the United States or US territories. The program will be limited to 25 participants, so we recommend that you do not wait to apply. Successful applicants will be notified by May 15, 2021.

Lauren Sorensen is a consultant specializing in moving image preservation and conservation, digital preservation and access. Over the past fifteen years, Sorensen has been employed by institutions such as Bay Area Video Coalition, Library of Congress, Canyon Cinema and as a consultant has assisted institutions such as the City of Los Angeles' Department of Cultural Affairs, Glenstone Museum, and the Whitney Museum of American Art, among others with all manner of digital preservation and access activities. She co-founded the now seven-years running AMIA/DLF Hack Day, and is a contributing author in the forthcoming book Archival Accessioning by Audra Eagle Yun. She has previously served on the Board of Directors for the Association of Moving Image Archivists, and is currently on the editorial board for The Moving Image journal. She holds a Master of Arts from New York University in Moving Image Archiving & Preservation (2007), and a Bachelor of Arts in Film & Digital Media from University of California, Santa Cruz (2003).


Jess Cayer (pronouns: she/her)
Academic Program Manager
665 Broadway, Room 637, New York, NY 10012
Moving Image Archiving and Preservation (MIAP
Tisch | Cinema Studies |  @NYUMIAP 

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