Failed to submit Assignment 2 and 3 before due date due to medical emergency

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Sanjana Bhargava

Oct 14, 2020, 2:34:42 PM10/14/20
to Discussion forum for Design Thinking - A Primer
Good Evening sir 
Sir due to my medical issues i was far from my family and home and was not able to submit Assignment no. 2 and 3 before the due dates . i was suffering from neurological issues . 
it would be great if you could help me out with submitting my assignments so that i could complete my course .
thank you sir 
Sanjana Bhargava 
MIT WPU , pune

Oct 19, 2020, 7:45:34 AM10/19/20
to Discussion forum for Design Thinking - A Primer
Dear Learner,

It is not possible to submit the assignment again as the due date for the assignment is already closed and the answer for the same is visible now in the page.
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