Special Category LC Rating - Jan+Jul 2021 semesters

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Local Chapter Announcement Forum

Dec 13, 2021, 12:51:07 PM12/13/21
to Local Chapter Announcement Forum
Dear SPOC,

We understand that the top 100 and Active LCs alone will not reflect the efforts put in by SPOCs for popularizing NOCs within the LC. Hence, we are bringing in new dimensions to reflect the diversity of LC's participation. 
These new dimensions are:

1. Best New LC - The top 5 LCs who joined after the last date of exam registration in the previous offering will be acknowledged based on LC rating formula. A maximum of 10 New LCs will be provided the certificates, 4 inside top 100 and 5 from outside 100.

2. Best Faculty Participation - NPTEL Online courses are also an opportunity for faculty to engage in lifelong learning. Research shows that the impact of a lifelong learning mindset among faculty is directly seen in the performance of the students from the institution. Over the past offerings, NOCs have seen a significant amount of faculty participation with even some LCs mandating NOCs for their faculty. Keeping all these in mind, we have decided to recognize the Local Chapters whose faculty show exceptional performance in the NOC exams. The rating points for faculty participation is 

Rf = 0.1*Number of learners, who are faculty, from LC writing exam (Capped at 10) + 5* Number of Silver (who are faculty)+ 8*Number of Gold (who are faculty) + 10*Number of Toppers (who are faculty)

The Local Chapters are sorted on the basis of rating points and the following Local Chapters will be rewarded as follows:

a.     Top 3 Local Chapters within top 100

b.     Top 3 Local Chapters outside top 100

3. LCs based on improvement (rating points and certified counts): Every NPTEL offering provides a lot of evidence for both NPTEL team and Local Chapters on areas where they can improve. It is important to acknowledge Local Chapters who act on this evidence and take actions to improve themselves both in quantitative as well as qualitative terms. This new dimension recognizes such LCs. We will then recognize the top three LCs (Inside and Outside top 100) who have higher Improvement scores (both in terms of rating points and certified counts), provided they had at least 1 learner participating in the previous offering. 

4. Arts, Science and Commerce Category : NPTEL is the National Coordinator for Engineering courses in SWAYAM portal. Hence a vast majority of our courses cater to Engineering disciplines. We do also have a sizable portion of our courses that can be taken up by non-Engineering students too. This is reflected in the participation of Local Chapters from Arts & Science colleges over the past few years.

Based on the trends seen over the past few exam runs, we have decided to acknowledge the top 3 LCs from Arts, Science & Commerce colleges inside and outside the top 100. Please note that to be qualified as an LC from Arts, Science & Commerce, the type of college in our LC list should be either 'Arts & Science' or 'Arts, Science and Commerce'. 

The list of Local Chapters who are awarded certificates under SPECIAL CATEGORY in the Jan+Jul 2021 semesters are given here. 

We will be continuing these dimensions for the next semesters as well.
We hope that you will be able to plan and get one of these. 
Congratulations to all the SPOCs and Local Chapters!!!!!

Both colleges & SPOCs will be given these special category certificates.
These certificates will be available in SPOC login of concerned colleges soon.

If you find any discrepancies, kindly bring it to our attention before Dec 16, 2021 - 4pm (Thursday).
Else, these ratings will be treated as final and will be published on our portal, and certificates will be generated.

If you have any further queries about this, please write to localc...@nptel.iitm.ac.in

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