Re: [ NJCCPS] If you praise someone. They say "Thank You". You will feel even more happier. This is encouragement, Regards

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Don Hsu

Aug 20, 2022, 9:50:46 AM8/20/22
to Joseph Liu, All NJCCPS,, Frank Shen, Jessie Wang, Chengwen Wang
Agree with you, Joseph.

Communication is the key for success in life.
If you talk to people, they will talk to you.
Donald Hsu

From: Joseph Liu <>
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2022 9:52 AM
To: All NJCCPS <>
Cc: <>; Frank Shen <>; Jessie Wang <>; Don Hsu <>; Chengwen Wang <>
Subject: [ NJCCPS] If you praise someone. They say "Thank You". You will feel even more happier. This is encouragement, Regards
Dear  Ming Luo, Frank Shen, Chnegwen Wang and Jessie Wang, NJCCPS members

This morning I went to the gas station and filled the gas. An Indian attendant filled my gas. I said 
"Thank you. Handsome fellow". He immediately said "Thank You". I went to purchase breakfast. 
I said to an African American Cashier. "I  order this, you are beautiful". She said "Thank You". 
It does not matter the nationality. They all like someone to praise them , Regards

It is a blessing from the Lord. I have a good memory in later years, I can remember the person's 
name and call his/her by name the second time we meet. It made sense in college teaching. I call 
him/her by name "John or Jane, How are you Today?" "Everything is going to be alright",Regards

] If you praise someone. They say "Thank You". You feel happier. It is encouragement,
Thanks for your attention, VP of Toastmaster Club.  Senior Officer of NJCCPS club
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