Dear Colleagues,
The USETDA has announced their 12th annual conference — USETDA 2022 — Making Connections: Scholarly Communication in the Digital Age, to be held as a hybrid event at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Cleveland, Ohio on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, September 21 – 23, 2022 (and online, all times Eastern). To register, visit our registration information Web page.
USETDA Conferences are an excellent educational opportunity for ETD professionals from graduate schools, libraries, academic computing and others who work with electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). The conference theme “Making Connections – Scholarly Communication in the Digital Age” will focus on the impact and implications of connecting scholars and research from across the country and around the world. We will examine the present use and availability of ETDs and related initiatives while also exploring new and emerging ETD practices, needs, and influences impacting administrative, graduate school and library professionals.
This year’s program includes two plenary panel discussions.
Wednesday, September 21st – “ETD Formatting and Reviewing: Hot Topics and Questions”. Panelists include: Larry Tague (University of Tennessee Health Science Center – College of Graduate Health Sciences), Sally Evans (George Mason University Libraries), Stacy Wallace (University of Florida Graduate School) and Ericka Findley (University of Utah Graduate School). Moderator: Lily Compton, (Iowa State University Graduate College).
Thursday, September 22nd – “Dancing with the Stakeholders: An interactive discussion on types of ETD stakeholders and how they can affect ETD management”. Guided by G.W. Swicord (University of Florida Libraries), additional panelists include Stacy Wallace (University of Florida Graduate School), Lily Compton (Iowa State University Graduate College) and Emily Flynn (OhioLINK). Moderator: Emily Wuchner, (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign).
Program HighlightsThe full program includes two interactive keynote plenary panel discussions, one 90-minute workshop, eight 20-minute brief breakout presentations, eight 50-minute extended breakout presentations, four poster presentations including user group meetings as well as a variety of networking opportunities. All presentations will be delivered “live” via Hopin during the conference. You will be able to view all of the presentations in the Conference Proceedings. You can view the entire conference session line up in our Program Schedule.
Networking OpportunitiesIn Cleveland you will have the opportunity to participate in a number of structured as well as informal networking opportunities to discuss a variety of ETD topics with colleagues and special interest groups including our welcome reception, networking breakfast and lunches, poster presentation / vendor fair and Dine Arounds. Virtual participants can join in the discussions via Hopin for all sessions throughout the conference.
Conference WorkshopWe are pleased to offer intensive learning experiences through our conference workshop series. This year’s workshop is “Hybrid Writing Boot Camp”. Presenters include: Emily Redd and Virginia Foley (East Tennessee State University Graduate School and Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis). For a complete description, visit the conference workshops Web page.
Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to learn more and share your experiences with colleagues at USETDA 2022! Member registration is only $169 or $269 at the non-member rate through September 14th. Book your group discount reservation at $134 per night by August 30th via our Accommodation Web page. To register for the conference, visit our registration information Web page.
We hope to see you in-person in Cleveland or online at USETDA 2022.
Kind Regards,
USETDA Conference Organizing Committee