Dear colleagues,
As you may be aware, the inaugural issue of the Journal of Graduate Librarianship came out three weeks ago (and included an article about open access ETDs triggering publishers' plagiarism detectors), and now we're looking ahead to our two 2024 issues! I know that not everyone on this list works in libraries, but many of you do, and I hope the call will interest some of you!
In addition to our "traditional" issue with all the things you'd expect from an academic journal, we're launching something new, which we're calling Conference Round-Up, intended to highlight the graduate librarianship community and broaden the reach of their conference contributions from 2023. There are two ways to contribute to Conference Round-Up, as you'll see below. Indeed, everything you need to know is in the call for submissions below. This is the only call for JGL in 2024, so if you'd like to be listed and/or publish with us this year, here's your chance!
Link to the full call online:
Journal of Graduate Librarianship Call for Submissions
The Journal of Graduate Librarianship (JGL) is now accepting submissions for our two 2024 issues. The summer issue will be our first Conference Round-Up, a collection of information about recent conference presentations pertaining to graduate librarianship (see Call for Conference Round-Up below). The fall issue will feature scholarly articles and reports on practice (see Call for Scholarly/Professional Manuscripts below, and consult our inaugural issue for examples of both article types).
Call for Conference Round-Up:
Did you give a conference presentation related to graduate librarianship during the 2023 calendar year? If so, we want to know about it, as do all the graduate librarians who weren’t in the (physical or virtual) room! Make your presentation(s), poster(s), and panel(s) more durable, discoverable, and impactful by submitting to JGL’s Conference Round-Up. There are two ways to contribute:
All information about conference presentations must be submitted by Monday, March 18, 2024. Conference Round-Up will be published in Summer 2024 as Volume 1, Issue 2 of JGL.
Call for Scholarly/Professional Manuscripts:
JGL welcomes manuscripts on any aspect or type of graduate librarianship (i.e., librarianship that serves graduate students, graduate faculty, or graduate programs more generally). We especially seek manuscripts that exemplify the qualities contained in the acronym SHOP: Shared Honest Open Practice. Authors are encouraged to share their discoveries and/or experiences in a relatable way and are not required to refer to themselves in the third person.
Authors may submit their manuscripts to either of these two sections: Articles (i.e., peer-reviewed scholarly articles) or Sharing Our Stories (i.e., editor-reviewed reports on practice). For more information about these sections, consult JGL’s policies page.
Please review the submission guidelines before submitting. All manuscripts must be submitted by Monday, April 8, 2024 to be considered for inclusion in Volume 2, Issue 1, to be published in Fall 2024.
What is JGL?
The Journal of Graduate Librarianship is the first scholarly journal dedicated exclusively to matters pertaining to graduate librarianship. Published by East Tennessee State University, JGL is open access and charges no author-facing fees. Full information about JGL and its goals and policies are available on the journal website.
Want to Learn More?
JGL co-founders Wendy Doucette (Editor-in-Chief) and Jill Cirasella (Managing Editor) are hosting two informal Zoom conversations about the journal. Come chat with us and bring your questions!
Wishing you a vibrant 2024,
Wendy Doucette, Editor-in-Chief
Jill Cirasella, Managing Editor
Journal of Graduate Librarianship