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New article about OA ETDs

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Jill Cirasella

Dec 15, 2023, 12:33:03 PM12/15/23
to ETD
Hello to the ETD community!

Some of you have probably already seen via other channels the announcement of the release of the inaugural issue of the Journal of Graduate Librarianship. I'm sharing it again here specifically because of an article that's both important and highly relevant to those who work with ETDs:

More Obstacles for the Graduate Student Author: Open Access ETDs Trigger Plagiarism Detectors (DeDe Dawson and Kate Langrell)

Full JGL announcement below:


Dear Colleagues,

We are overjoyed to announce the release of the inaugural issue of the Journal of Graduate Librarianship, the first scholarly journal dedicated exclusively to matters pertaining to graduate librarianship. Written, edited, and governed by library practitioners who work with graduate students, faculty, and programs, JGL publishes peer-reviewed articles as well as shorter editor-reviewed contributions, including reflective pieces and round-ups of responses to questions we pose online.

We are honored to have worked with the talented authors whose scholarship and expertise are featured in this first issue. Further, we have benefited tremendously from the insights and efforts of our peer reviewers and full editorial team. We’re confident you’ll find the first issue’s articles interesting, informative, helpful, or even inspirational—or maybe even all of the above!

As many of you know, there can be an anticlimactic element to achieving a milestone, especially victories attained online, where readership occurs quietly offstage. One of our primary goals at JGL is to create a forum for ongoing conversation, so that our vibrant community can continue to gather, share, and learn from each other with the customary passion and dedication demonstrated so often in graduate librarianship. If you have thoughts on our articles, we want to hear from you! You can find JGL on Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and X (formerly Twitter).

With no further ado, we invite you to settle in and browse our first issue. We guarantee you’ll learn something, and we hope you’ll enjoy it as well.

Volume 1, Issue 1 Contents:
  • From the Editors:
    • Introducing the Journal of Graduate Librarianship (Wendy Doucette and Jill Cirasella)
  • Peer-Reviewed Articles:
    • More Obstacles for the Graduate Student Author: Open Access ETDs Trigger Plagiarism Detectors (DeDe Dawson and Kate Langrell)
    • A Two-Phase Study Examining Graduate Library Student Knowledge Gains and Perceptions of Information Literacy Modules (Holly S. Hebert, Karen V. Nourse, and Kevin S. Krahenbuhl)
    • Leveraging Existing Services to Support Evidence Synthesis Researchers Outside of the Health Sciences (Elizabeth Kline)
  • Sharing Our Stories:
    • Serving Graduate Students at a Community College Library (Daniel K. Blewett)
    • Graduate Librarian at a Small University: What I’ve Learned So Far (Christina R. Hillman)
    • Hosting an International Graduate Student Orientation (Liza Weisbrod, Juliet T. Rumble, Adelia Grabowsky, Isabel Altamirano, and Emily Sahib)
  • Practitioner Panel:
    • Our Community Chimes In (Corinne Bishop)

With warm wishes,

Dr. Wendy Doucette
Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief
East Tennessee State University

Jill Cirasella
Co-Founder and Managing Editor
CUNY Graduate Center
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