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Daily Announcement, Wednesday, 11.6.24

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Sarah Wenbourne

Nov 6, 2024, 10:51:52 AM11/6/24
to Sarah Wenbourne
Good morning,

North Bend High School and our community are holding our Veterans Day lunch on November 11th; doors open at 11:30am with lunch served at 12:30. This event is free to all veterans and their families. We are asking students to volunteer and honor our Veterans by welcoming them in bulldog fashion. Any students or community members interested in volunteering, please meet at the NBHS multi-purpose room at 10am on the 11th. Email Chef Frank with any questions:

With gratitude,

Sarah Wenbourne 
Athletic Secretary | Bookkeeper
North Bend High School
North Bend High School Booster Club Membership Application.pdf
Clue poster house (1).pdf
Attendence Awareness Poster Contest 2024.pdf
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