R Vogel + F Marra FŽP ČZU | Tuesday 2.5.2023 - 10.00 AM

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Hanel Martin

Apr 28, 2023, 9:31:56 AM4/28/23
to pragu...@natur.cuni.cz
Dear colleagues,

KVHEM invites you to talks of prof. Richard M. Vogel (Tufts University, USA) and Francesco Marra (Italian National Research Council). Details bellow and here.

FZP CZU MCEV II, Room D.216 | Tuesday 2.5.2023 - 10.00 AM 

Kind regards,
Martin Hanel

Richard M. Vogel | Heavy Tails are a Canary in the Coalmine 

The prevalence of heavy tailed (HT) populations in hydrology is becoming increasingly commonplace due in part to the increasing need and use of high frequency and high-resolution data.   In addition to the impact of HT on extremes, HT populations can have a profound impact on a wide range of other hydrologic statistics and methods associated with planning, management and design for extremes.   We review the known impacts of HT populations on the instability and bias in a wide range of commonly used hydrologic statistics. Experiments reveal that HT distributions result in the degradation of many commonly used statistical methods including the bootstrap, probability plots, the central limit theorem, and the law of large numbers.     We document the gross instability of perhaps the best-behaved statistic of all, the sample mean (SM) when computed from HT distributions.  The SM is ubiquitous because it is a component of and related to a myriad of statistical methods, thus its unstable behavior provides a window into future challenges faced by the hydrologic community.  We outline many challenges associated with HT data, for example, upper product moments are often infinite for HT populations, yet upper L-moment always exist, so that the theory of L-moments is uniquely suited to HT distributions and data.  We introduce a magnification factor for evaluating the impact of HT distributions on the behavior of extreme quantiles. 


Francesco Marra | Estimating the probability of extreme precipitation with non-asymptotic statistics 

The exceedance probability of extreme daily precipitation is usually quantified assuming asymptotic behaviours. Non-asymptotic statistics, however, would allow us to describe extremes with reduced uncertainty and to establish relations between physical processes and emerging extremes. These approaches are still mistrusted by part of the community as they rely on assumptions on the tail behaviour of the daily precipitation distribution. This paper addresses this gap. We use global quality-controlled long rain gauge records to show that daily precipitation annual maxima are samples likely emerging from Weibull tails in most of the stations worldwide. These non-asymptotic tails can explain the statistics of observed extremes better than asymptotic approximations from extreme value theory. We call for a renewed consideration of non-asymptotic statistics for the description of extremes.


prof. Martin Hanel

proděkan pro mezinárodní vztahy, vedoucí katedry
Katedra vodního hospodářství a environmentálního modelování
Fakulta životního prostředí, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze 

vice-dean for international relations, head of department
Department of Water Resources and Environmental Modelling
Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences

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