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Ondřej Ledvinka

Aug 24, 2019, 3:36:54 PM8/24/19
to Pragu...@natur.cuni.cz

myslim, že by tohle nekoho zajimat mohlo, takze preposilam. Informace je
uvedena i na strankach Ceskeho narodniho vybou pro hydrologii (viz


Ondra Ledvinka

-------- Přeposlaná zpráva --------
Datum: Thu, 1 Aug 2019 13:54:50 +0200 (CEST)
Od: Krzysztof Kochanek <koch...@igf.edu.pl>
Komu: Vito Iacobellis <vito.ia...@poliba.it>, salvatore grimaldi
<salvatore...@unitus.it>, Elena Volpi <elena...@uniroma3.it>,
attilio castellarin <attilio.c...@unibo.it>, Bogdanowicz Ewa
<ewa...@igf.edu.pl>, Tomasz Falkowski <tomasz_f...@sggw.pl>, Piotr
Ostrowski <piotr_o...@sggw.pl>, giangnv <gia...@igp-vast.vn>,
bloeschl <bloe...@hydro.tuwien.ac.at>, t r kjeldsen
<t.r.kj...@bath.ac.uk>, Benjamin Renard <benjami...@irstea.fr>,
Wojciech Feluch <wfe...@gmail.com>, ondrej....@chmi.cz,
ell...@chmi.cz, ffra...@upv.es, eric....@ifsttar.fr,
her...@giub.uni-bonn.de, Michel Lang <miche...@irstea.fr>, Neil
Macdonald <Neil.Ma...@liverpool.ac.uk>, silvia....@stuba.sk,
Luis Mediero <luis.m...@upm.es>, d.lum...@hrwallingford.com,
mac...@mncn.csic.es, Iwona Markiewicz <iwon...@igf.edu.pl>, Renata
Romanowicz <roman...@igf.edu.pl>, Alberto Viglione
<vigl...@hydro.tuwien.ac.at>, Mr Jose Luis SALINAS (AT)
Kopie: Monika Kalinowska <mkal...@igf.edu.pl>

Dear Coleagues,

Next year (30.06-02.07.2020) the 6th IAHR Europe Congress
Hydro-Environment Research and Engineering - No Frames, no Borders will
be organised in Warsaw, Poland. (https://iahr2020.syskonf.pl/)
I would like to invite you to the special session devoted entirely to
‘Historical Information in Hydrology’.
This subject is supposed to unite every aspect of research concerning
re-construction, use and analysis of past hydrological information for
the sake of contemporary hydrology, flood and drought analysis, risk and
policy and water management especially (but not only) within the context
of climatic changes. In my opinion it would be interesting to exchange
different point of views to these issues, to which the 6th IAHR Europe
Congress seems to be the best occasion.
Therefore, I would be appreciated if you accepted my invitation.

I also would like to ask you to distribute my invitation amongst the
colleagues and students who might be interested in this session and the
Congress as a whole.

I am looking forward to your positive answer. If you proved interested,
I will be informing you about progress in organising the session.

With best regards
Yours faithfully
Krzysztof (Chris) Kochanek
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