PhD position

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Michaela Danáčová

May 18, 2023, 2:48:39 PM5/18/23
to PragueHydro

Dear colleagues.

We are searching for PhD candidates at the Department of Land and Water Resources Management, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava (

Study programmes:

-             Water resources engineering

-             Landscaping

Academic title: PhD

Length of study (years): 4 years

Application deadline: May 31st, 2023

Date of the entrance examination (on-line or at site): June 21st, 2023

Date of the admission commission decision: June 27th, 2023

Application fees:  For courses held in Slovak: 20 € and for courses held in English: 40 €.


Tentative PhD. thesis topics:

1. Multivariate multi-model analysis of changes in the runoff regime

2. Simulation framework for assessing uncertainty in environmental and water resources planning in a changing environment

3. Connectivity and flood runoff dynamics in headwater catchments

4. Regional detection, attribution and projection of impacts of climate variability and climate change on runoff regimes

For detailed information, contact the head of Department of Land and Water Resources Management prof. Silvia Kohnová ( and the deputy Associate prof. Michaela Danáčová (


Detailed information for doctoral studies applicants

Candidates are supported by a supervisor (professor or associate professor). An individual study programme is arranged for each PhD candidate, which includes advanced study, research and marginal teaching activities. After completing the study requirements, students must pass their doctoral pre-exam by the end of the second year, which also narrows the research topic for the last two years. The defence of the dissertation thesis results in the award of the Philosophiae Doctor Diploma – PhD.

Monthly scholarship in the first year: 915 €

Housing: Dormitory or private housing

Required documents for applying

-  signed curriculum vitae

-  confirmation of the application fee payment

- a document (certificate) confirming knowledge of the English language at least at the B1 level or passing the high school graduation exam in the English language (for courses held in English)

- certified grades from secondary school reports or certified copies of secondary school reports with Apostille/Superlegalization,

- certified copy of secondary school leaving report with Apostille/Superlegalizatio,

- nostrification of secondary school leaving report.

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