(I am sorry for cross-posting)
We offer a 3-year postdoctoral position in mountain hydrology focusing on snowmelt water distribution in the critical zone under climate variability using modelling approaches applied to a large set of mountain catchments in different regions.
We are looking for a highly motivated candidate with a scientific interest in mountain hydrology that complements the existing scientific directions of our research group (mountain/snow hydrology, catchment storage, runoff extremes). The candidate should have an experience in hydrological modelling and programming skills.
We are an active and diverse research group offering an interdisciplinary and international working environment, flexible working hours and a competitive salary. There is also a long-term perspective beyond the available three-year postdoctoral position.
Duration: 3 years, starting from April to July 2025
Application deadline: running, until the position is filled
Please send your application, including a cover letter, CV, publication record (including submitted or in-preparation publications if relevant), and the names of two potential referees in a single pdf file to
Michal Jenicek (michal....@natur.cuni.cz). Please write ‘Postdoc call’ in the subject line.
Please don't hesitate to distribute this information further.
Best regards,
Michal Jenicek