Fwd: Reminder: ESEB EUEA award 2024, deadline Jan 31

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Michal Vinkler

Nov 15, 2023, 9:03:09 AM11/15/23
to info-ev...@natur.cuni.cz

doc. RNDr. Michal Vinkler, PhD
Vedoucí Katedry zoologie
Přírodovědecká fakulta, Univerzita Karlova
Viničná 7, 128 44 Praha 2
Česká republika

Head of the Department of Zoology
Faculty of Science, Charles University
Vinicna 7, CZ 128 44 Praha 2
Czech Republic, EU

Laboratory for Evolutionary and Ecological Immunology
Animal Evolutionary Biology Unit

tel: +420221951845
e-mail: michal....@natur.cuni.cz


-------- Přeposlaná zpráva --------
Předmět: Reminder: ESEB EUEA award 2024, deadline Jan 31
Datum: Wed, 15 Nov 2023 11:34:22 +0100
Od: ESEB Office <off...@eseb.org>
Komu: ESEB <off...@eseb.org>

ESEB Under-represented ECR Achievement Award

Two annual awards of €2,000 will highlight the achievements of under-represented early-career researchers (ECRs) who have faced difficult circumstances while conducting their work. Applicable difficult circumstances may be but are not limited to disabilities, social/cultural/political persecution, refugee status, single parenting or other caring responsibilities that have created unequal opportunities. This year's winners will also be invited to speak at the Joint Congress of Evolutionary Biology in Montreal, Canada (July 26-30, 2024).

DEADLINE: January 31, 2024


  1. The award is open to PhD students, postdoctoral scientists or non-tenure-track research fellows who do not hold a permanent academic position and have achieved their research while facing difficult circumstances. Note that researchers based in any country are eligible, irrespective of GDP status, and not just in Europe.
  2. Applications may be submitted by the person benefiting from the grant, or by a colleague/supervisor when a letter is included from the nominee approving their nomination.
  3. The person submitting the application must be an ESEB member, or become a member immediately after receiving the award (to become a member of ESEB, please visit our membership page).
  4. Applicants who have previously received this award are not eligible.
  5. The award stipend (2000 €) will be spent at the discretion of the nominee. Nominees will be required to write a short summary of their achievement to be highlighted on the ESEB Equal Opportunities website and ESEB newsletter.


Applications should be sent as a single PDF file to Ute Friedrich at the ESEB office (off...@eseb.org) with the subject line: 2024 Underrepresented ECR Award.
It should include
  1. A cover letter with the nominee’s name, current status and institution, PhD start date, duration and reason for any career breaks, nominee’s or nominator’s ESEB membership number, and a signed statement on what the nominee has achieved and why you considered the nominee achieved it under difficult circumstances. The difficult circumstances are primarily, but not solely, disabilities, social/cultural/political persecution, refugee status, single parenting or other caring responsibilities. The letter should not exceed 2 pages.
  2. A short CV of the nominee (1–2 pages)
  3. Proof of the nominee’s achievement: this can be for instance a PhD diploma, a publication, or an outreach initiative.
  4. A letter of support from the nominee’s host institution or a colleague.
Applications should be sent no later than Wednesday, January 31, 2024. Please take care to limit the size of attachments (total < 10 MB) in any one email. Applications will be evaluated by the Equal Opportunity Committee chaired by Anne Charmantier, and winners will be informed around the end of February. Winners are encouraged to attend the next Evolution joint meeting in Montreal, Canada (July 26-30, 2024) where they will be invited to speak at the ESEB award symposium about their work and/or equal representation in the field of evolution. ESEB will contribute to the travel expenses and registration fees.

Previous winners can be seen here: https://eseb.org/prizes-funding/equal-opportunities-initiative/eseb-under-represented-ecr-achievement-award/
Kelley Leung
ESEB Equal Opportunities Initiative Member

European Society for Evolutionary Biology | Homepage: eseb.org | Email: off...@eseb.org

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