doc. RNDr. Michal Vinkler, PhD
Vedoucí Katedry zoologie
Přírodovědecká fakulta, Univerzita Karlova
Viničná 7, 128 44 Praha 2
Česká republika
Head of the Department of Zoology
Faculty of Science, Charles University
Vinicna 7, CZ 128 44 Praha 2
Czech Republic, EU
Laboratory for Evolutionary and Ecological Immunology
Animal Evolutionary Biology Unit
tel: +420221951845
-------- Přeposlaná zpráva --------
Dear ESEB Members,
Each year the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB)
distinguishes an outstanding young evolutionary biologist with a
prize named after John Maynard Smith (1920 - 2004), eminent
scientist, great mentor, author of many books on evolution, and
a former President of ESEB.
The prize is open to any field of evolutionary biology. The
candidates for the 2024 prize normally must have begun their PhD
study after January 1, 2017. In addition, nominees more than 7
years from the start of their PhD will be considered if they
have had career breaks taken for family, caring or health
reasons; the nature of the reason must be given.
Self-nominations are welcome.
Documents supporting a nomination should be sent as a single PDF
file to Ute Friedrich at the ESEB office <>. If you are
nominating someone, send a letter of support for the nomination
directly to Ute Friedrich and ask the candidate to send a brief
description of the candidate’s contributions to the study of
evolution, the candidate's CV and list of publications
(indicating three most significant papers), and a short
description of current and future research plans from the
candidate (2 pages maximum) in a single pdf file. If you are
self-nominating, send the same documentation mentioned above to
Ute Friedrich and find a colleague to write a support letter for
your nomination (please note that this person should directly
send the letter to Ute Friedrich).
Nominations and letters of support should arrive no later than Monday,
January 15, 2024. Please take care to limit the size of
attachments (total < 10 MB) in any one email.
The nomination committee, chaired by the ESEB Vice President
Josefa González, will evaluate the nominations and inform the
winner approximately by the end of February 2024.
The prize winner is expected to attend the next Evolution joint
meeting in July 2024 in Montreal, Canada or alternatively the
ESEB congress in August 2025 in Barcelona, Spain, where he or
she will deliver the 2024 John Maynard Smith Lecture. The
Society will cover registration, accommodation, and travel
expenses (economy fare). The JMS Prize comes with a monetary
prize of 2500 €, the invitation to write a review for the
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, and the possibility of a Junior
Fellowship of 6 months at the Institute of Advanced Study in
Berlin, Germany. For more information on the Institute of
Advanced Study see
Previous winners of the JMS Prize are listed at the ESEB web
Josefa González
ESEB Vice-President
European Society of Evolutionary Biology