Re: Request for collaboration

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Georgie Burr

Oct 25, 2018, 10:51:29 AM10/25/18
to, Mark Cridge, parliaments,

Hi Žiga,

To follow up re UK parliaments data. This is all available through our API  :)

I checked in with the lead developer for TheyWorkForYou and they are of course happy if you want to use the data to build a quick mock-up. However, I don't want to raise expectation too much - our team is small, and whilst you would be able to kindly offer development time free, there are concerns it would create work for our already v.overstretched apparently our codebase is a big lot of PHP (which might be offputting to build on top of).

I hope that is helpful.



On Tue, 23 Oct 2018 at 14:59, Georgie Burr <> wrote:
Hello Žiga,

Great to speak to you today! 

I will get back to you on the other parts of our call in the coming weeks but wanted to pass on quickly how to suggest additions to the Popolo standard, the suggestion is to:
1. Create a Pull Request against
2. Or raise an issue in the same place if you want to start a discussion about how to extend the standard.

Hope that is helpful,

Speak soon,


On Tue, 23 Oct 2018 at 11:33, Žiga Vrtačič <> wrote:
hi, hangouts is perfect. i added you.
Danes je nov dan, Inštitut za druga vprašanja
Pisarna: Tobačna ulica 5 (Hekovnik), 1000 Ljubljana

On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 12:29 PM Georgie Burr <> wrote:
Morning Žiga,

Is Googlehangouts ok? I have just added a link to the invite.
If not, please suggest an alternative and I will be there.

Look forward to speaking!


On Mon, 22 Oct 2018 at 11:44, Žiga Vrtačič <> wrote:
That's perfect, thank you. 
Danes je nov dan, Inštitut za druga vprašanja
Pisarna: Tobačna ulica 5 (Hekovnik), 1000 Ljubljana

On Mon, Oct 22, 2018 at 11:06 AM Georgie Burr <> wrote:
Morning Žiga,

How would 11.30 GMT+1 work for you?
I will send a calendar invite and we can change if needed.



On Fri, 19 Oct 2018 at 16:53, Žiga Vrtačič <> wrote:
Hi Georgie!
Let's do it on Tuesday maybe, my schedule is quite empty on that day, so I can do it whichever part of the day works best for you.
Looking forward to it!
Danes je nov dan, Inštitut za druga vprašanja
Pisarna: Tobačna ulica 5 (Hekovnik), 1000 Ljubljana

On Thu, Oct 18, 2018 at 7:20 PM Georgie Burr <> wrote:
Hi Ziga,

I'm so sorry to hear about Filip, I hope he is making a speedy recovery.
And I apologise for my slow reply, this email got lost after the Code for Summit.

I am available to chat through your initial ideas next week. I am largely free Monday - Thursday  (except Monday afternoon). So please suggest a few times and I am sure one will work.

I look forward to speaking,



On Thu, 11 Oct 2018 at 17:02, Žiga Vrtačič <> wrote:


Thank you Mark for the introduction, Georgie, nice to meet you!

Filip, our CEO who also leads our development team, got hospitalized overnight and that made us a bit busier and a little less on top of things. After the initial chaos, we have sort of regrouped, and finally I can get back to you. Filip was also supposed to be one of the speakers at Code For All Summit, but obviously that too had to be cancelled.

We would still very much like to discuss potential integration any time next week. Please let us know which day suits you best.

Looking forward!

With best regards,

Žiga Vrtačič

Danes je nov dan, Inštitut za druga vprašanja
Pisarna: Tobačna ulica 5 (Hekovnik), 1000 Ljubljana

On Thu, Oct 4, 2018 at 4:29 PM Mark Cridge <> wrote:
Hello Žiga

Sorry for the delayed response - we'd certainly be interested in having a conversation about how this might work.

Can I introduce my colleague Georgie Burr who can set up a call and is responsible for all of our partner working in our Democracy team.

Are you going to be at the Code For All summit in Bucharest next week by any chance?

all the best

On Tue, 25 Sep 2018 at 08:33, Žiga Vrtačič <> wrote:

Dear mr. Cridge,

I hope this finds you well. Your email was given to me by mr. Krzysiek Izdebski. I am writing on behalf of Today is a new day, Institute for other studies, the largest civic tech NGO in Slovenia. We have worked together with mySociety in 2017 on hosting a community event in Ljubljana for your project EveryPolitician. We are reaching out with a suggestion for another collaboration. I hope you will be able to give me an answer or direct me to the relevant person within your organisation.

In 2016 we received more than 330.000 EUR of Google DNI funding for developing Parlameter, an opensource platform that automates parliamentary data collection, processing and visualisation (computer-generated infographics). It helps political journalists and researchers to more efficiently analyze and present information on MPs’ activities in the parliament to the public. It provides analysis of voting (e.g. similarity of voting records, ad-hoc coalition forming, etc) and does natural language processing to automate analyses of MPs’ speeches (content analysis as well as basic statistics about speaking habits). The information cards (visualisations) are automatically generated based on parliamentary data. They can be easily embedded into web articles and are readily exportable for print media, so journalists can use them without relying on their understaffed development and design departments. The platform also features a powerful search engine that is able to search through large datasets of speech transcripts and voting records based on specific criteria (author, time range, political body …). This way, researchers and journalists are able to quickly get an overview of how certain topics are discussed through time and get a feel of the kind of rhetoric MPs or their parties engage in.

In 2018, another 100,000 EUR was invested in the platform by NED and around the same amount by the institute itself. Since then, we have launched a Slovenian and Croatian version of the platform. We have written more than 270,000 lines of code and invested years of development in the project. Right now, we are working on the Bosnian version.

Our next step is to launch an English version of the platform, as this will help us present the project in countries that do not speak Slovenian or Serbo-Croatian language and possibly spread Parlameter outside of the region. Because of easily accessible parliamentary data, UK seems like an obvious choice.

However, we believe it would be somewhat redundant for us to build another parliamentary monitoring website, considering They Work For You already exists and does a great job making British MPs accountable. Rather than being your “competition” we would like to collaborate and add to, especially as we have developed some tools our audience found very useful and we don’t think exist on your website.

As a bunch of open-source enthusiasts we want to build on top of what your platform already provides. Therefore instead of launching the whole Parlameter platform, it could be more effective to just integrate some of our tools and modules to your platform and let them find a way to your audience.

We can cover all integration/development costs ourselves.

Therefore, if you would be interested, we would like to suggest features/code that could be added to They Work For You and, we believe, would be beneficial to the British public. We share your commitment to opensource and would be very happy to work with you.

I would be happy to further explain our proposal in a video call at your convenience.

Kind regards,

Žiga Vrtačič

Danes je nov dan, Inštitut za druga vprašanja
Pisarna: Tobačna ulica 5 (Hekovnik), 1000 Ljubljana


Mark Cridge  | Chief Executive |

Georgie Burr
Community Liaison for Democratic Commons

Twitter: @georgieburr

Georgie Burr
Community Liaison for Democratic Commons

Twitter: @georgieburr

Georgie Burr
Community Liaison for Democratic Commons

Twitter: @georgieburr

Georgie Burr
Community Liaison for Democratic Commons

Twitter: @georgieburr

Georgie Burr
Community Liaison for Democratic Commons

Twitter: @georgieburr

Matthew Somerville

Oct 25, 2018, 10:57:59 AM10/25/18
to Georgie Burr,, Mark Cridge,,

Just to quickly add, as well as the API, if you want some dumped files
of the data for use, has
details/links to our Popolo person data, and our XML debates/written
answer output. Hope that's helpful.


Žiga Vrtačič

Nov 6, 2018, 9:55:08 AM11/6/18
to, Filip Muki Dobranic,, Mark Cridge,,
Thanks Georgie and Matthew, 
we did not know about the, it will be very useful
We're planning to start playing with the British version in late December or even January - let's discuss details when we know more about it.
I'm adding Filip to the conversation, he's back from the hospital, yay!
Danes je nov dan, Inštitut za druga vprašanja
Pisarna: Tobačna ulica 5 (Hekovnik), 1000 Ljubljana

Filip Muki Dobranić

Nov 9, 2018, 7:21:18 AM11/9/18
to ziga,,,,,

Just so you get an email from me as well. :) Thanks for all the links and stuff. We're a bit short on working hands so as Žiga said the plan is to continue work on the British version by the end of the year or latest in the beginning of January. I'll send you an email as soon as we have something for you to look at or in case anything goes wrong. :)

Have a great weekend!

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