Join us for the 2023 Local Elections Debrief, Weds 24th May

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James Moulding

May 19, 2023, 10:19:36 AM5/19/23
to mysociety-community
Hi everyone, 

In case you missed it - next Wednesday 24th May join us online or in East London for the 2023 Local Election Debrief.

With so much at stake ahead of next year's General Election, Democracy Network are holding a space for organisations to come together, take stock of what happened, share learning, stories and reflections - and think about what comes next. 

We'll be hearing from a range of orgs across the UK including the National Union of Students, Democracy Classroom, Democracy Club, United Response, Movement Forward and the Researchers for Fair Elections.

Best regards,

James Moulding 

UK Democracy Network
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