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Add your check-in to the UK Democracy Meetup

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James Moulding

Oct 27, 2022, 5:21:09 AM10/27/22
to mysociety-community
Good morning democrats, 

This is your brief fortnightly reminder to add your check-in to this week's UK Democracy Meetup document

Add your updates, plug your project and share your successes with more than 400 subscribing democracy organisations and projects. 

The UK Democracy Meetup is an asynchronous fortnightly check-in session, where you can highlight your project, let others know what you've been working on, or are working towards - perhaps you've secured new grant funding or expanded your team, this is the place to let everyone know and share the gossip.

Your contributions to this week's shared Democracy Meetup document will be summarised and highlighted into next week's UK Democracy Bulletin and distributed to  organisations and practitioners across the sector.

If this is your first time, or you'd just like to see some friendly faces - join the 30-minute UK Democracy Meetup at 2pm today. We'll be getting together on this shared document, you can find the Zoom for today's 2pm session here, or at the top of the document. Feel free to add suggestions for break out rooms and discussion themes at the bottom of the Meetup doc.

Can't make 2pm? You can jot down your check-ins (it only takes 2 minutes!) and share your updates at any time until next Thursday 12 midday.

Best regards,

James Moulding

Centre for Democracy

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