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PACT is seeking consultant: training on digital democracy and civic tech

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Gemma Moulder

Jul 16, 2024, 6:42:39 AM7/16/24
Hey everyone, 

Wanted to forward this opportunity - it may be of interest to those here.

All the best



Pact is seeking a consultant to develop and deliver a short training (estimated at 12 hours) on digital democracy and civic tech for our Pact DC Governance team. We are looking to expand our in-house technical expertise to enable our team to design, implement, adapt, and evaluate digital democracy interventions. This training is intended to be the first step in that effort; it will cover basic concepts and approaches to enable staff to engage in more informed discussions, research, and program design.


We are looking for an individual consultant or small firm with a strong understanding of various digital democracy approaches, including mis/disinformation, social media engagement, use of civic technology, machine learning, and collaboration with the private sector. We’re looking for someone with strong training/facilitation skills and fluency in English. Our preference is for the consultant to deliver the training in-person in Pact’s Washington, DC office, with virtual attendance by some Pact staff. If needed, though, the training can be delivered virtually.


We are using some expiring funds for this, so are looking to turn things around quickly. Applications are due by July 26 with a target performance period of August 5 - September 30, 2024. Please note that the contract ceiling is $8,000.


Kindly share the attached solicitation with anyone who may be interested in this assignment and don’t hesitate to reach out should you have any questions.




Gemma Moulder (she / her)

Events and Engagement Manager


Pact TOR_Primer on Digital Democracy and Civic Tech.pdf
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