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john simpson

Sep 20, 2023, 5:45:44 AM9/20/23
to FixMyStreet

FMS is an excellent product however we are using it as a non 'council' focused way. We would like to pay for someone to make 19 general changes to benefit the wider FMS mapping community.

Is this something you might be interested in or could you recommend another coder ? They would need to already have an in depth knowledge of how the system is built to keep the solution strategic. Therefore I request the following are considered.

We have indicated the benefit of the change to us/ a guess on the coding change required



On the ‘All reports’ page, reports that are the state ‘Closed’ are still shown to public. Can this be removed from the display list or maybe a switch added to the cobrand or somewhere to not list it ?



As admin, when we edit a record, the default is “save with public update”. Can this be changed to be unchecked by default ? In our case, a public update is not required.



On the desktop version, when selecting 'all reports' from the normal menu, and hovering over a record on the LHS list, rather than the other pins dimming in colour, we would like our selection to become larger and stand out. It appears that once you click on the pin it to gets larger. So the code is already there, it just needs tweaking.



Add option to open a google streetview in another tab at the same position as the map centre. It is handy to confirm you are dropping a pin in the correct place.



On a desktop, when adding a 'new report' it does not initially show a marker in the centre of the screen as entered in the serach box. You need to click 'report a problem here'. Please could you place a marker as soon as you get to that screen. You would then move it around to finalise position. This is not a problem with the mobile version as it always has the ‘cross hairs’ in the centre of the screen.



On the desktop adding a 'new report', the surrounding pins are visible. However, when you click ‘add’, they all disappear. Could you provide a switch for the others to remain on and but the new pin to be larger. This helps if we want to clarify if it is a duplication.



Items are not viewable automatically if over 6 months old. You have to tick a box. Can a provide a switch to always show everything or maybe change to say 2 years.



We can already access an individual record by typing “ref:1234” at the search bar. However, it fails to recognise “REF:1234”, “Ref:1234”. Could this please be added or maybe change to lower case before searching?



Build in more control of sending ‘update’ emails. If a person updates a record, the default is for them to always be updated on anything with that pin. We think they need to opt in instead.



Regarding ‘Updates emails’, is it possible to have a switch in cobrand/general.yml to turn off all updates or greatly restrict it to say just admins ?



On the Around/All reports, the dates are shown as DDMMMYYY, but sometimes says last Tuesday, Sunday etc. We would prefer Just “today” or else show as the normal date.



Ability for an admin to 'move a pin' using a mobile phone. This would be ‘drag and drop’. It seems you can only do it on a desktop. We appreciate that this may be complex as it would need to check if still in that boundary/ area of goverence.



When a user creates a new problem, the user has to hit continue on 3 pages. Can this be reduced to a single (maybe scrolling) page like the zurich build ?



‘Around’ or ‘All’ reports shows list of problems on left pane. It currently shows the ‘Title field’ and on the next line date created and last updated. The ‘date created’ is a bit redundant for us. Can we add the ‘Report ID’ number instead?



On ‘report a new problem here’ we currently use the ‘extra questions’. But these appear to go into the ‘extra’ field in the problem tabled of the database. Although these are viewable to admin, they do not appear to be searchable so we would like to add additional fields to that screen that would be new fields in the ‘problem’ table. We would then like to be able to searchable. We would like them to be generic so other FMS street users could use. In our particular case, we would like to put in more location details and specifics regarding items we are plotting.
We would also like these to appear these fields to appear on the around query, near the ‘state’.



One of the user ‘extra questions’ whose answers are being stored in the RABX field ‘extra’ in the ‘problem’ table is ‘camera direction’, and picked from a drop down menu of 0, 45/ 90/ 135/ 180/ 225/ 270 etc. The user when viewing the map only sees a pin. Can you can you display the camera direction so how ? Maybe show an arrow by the icon, but if too difficult maybe a box somewhere with an arrow indicating direction ?



As admin, when clicking on a record, the updates appear on the left hand side. The ‘Updates’ are too spread out and confusing. Can they be made far more compact so we can quickly read multiple comments. It is often tricky to work out which line refers to which.



Allow any user to ask for a pin to be moved (ideally by a drag and drop) and that be later validated by an admin.



Stats are already available as admin. We would like a switch in cobrand or general.yml to make available in the normal / non-admin menu.

john simpson

Sep 20, 2023, 10:03:45 AM9/20/23
to FixMyStreet, john simpson
Further to request "12, Ability for an admin to 'move a pin' using a mobile phone"

In seems if it 'sorts of' works but not consistently.
On my android v10 phone, if you use the mobile version of the website code, as admin, search an area and click a pin. You can then edit that pins details and sometimes (...but not every time) it permits to allow you to move  it (drag drop). You seem only to get one chance at it if any. If someone could tell me how to do it every time then fine.

Matthew Somerville

Sep 20, 2023, 11:38:48 AM9/20/23
to FixMyStreet

You are writing to the public mailing list for the FixMyStreet code base, not me personally. I'm unable to help you out with your requests, and I don't know of anyone I could recommend, I'm afraid.

As I'm writing, and as your website is public, please could you honour the terms of the licence under which you are using the FixMyStreet code and please publish all changes and alterations you have made to the FixMyStreet source code - most easily as a fork of the code on GitHub, I would assume. Thanks in advance.


john simpson

Sep 21, 2023, 10:50:06 AM9/21/23
to FixMyStreet, matthew
Thanks for replying
We have not changed any code or functionality so we have not forked.

Matthew Somerville

Sep 25, 2023, 11:18:25 AM9/25/23
to FixMyStreet

All files within the fixmystreet directory count as part of the source code, including templates and anything else. As you have based your site on the existing contents of the repository, you have created a work "based on" the existing work, and so what you have created is also covered by the licence. It's not a hard licence - the easiest thing to do is create a copy of the source code on GitHub under your own account and upload the additions and changes you have made there (that's what most other people have done). Alternatively providing any other way to download the files you have added or changed would also meet the terms of the licence. "if you modify the Program [To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work], your modified version must prominently offer all users interacting with it remotely through a computer network [...] an opportunity to receive the Corresponding Source of your version by providing access to the Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge" We use this licence so that all changes and additions to the code are made available to all.

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