Part Cooling Fan and Franklin

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Nathan Mihalek

Sep 24, 2021, 11:18:05 AM9/24/21
to MOST Delta Users
Does anyone know the process of adding a second fan to franklin for controlling the speed of the fan through the .gcode?  I am using a E3D V6 for a hotend, and want the fan cooling the hotend and the part cooling fan to be controlled seperately. Anyone able to walk me through this? Right now I control the hotend fan using the fan setting on the main page in franklin.


Dr. Bas Wijnen

Sep 27, 2021, 3:13:09 PM9/27/21
to Nathan Mihalek, MOST Delta Users

There are multiple ways that Franklin can control a fan:

1. In a Temp control, select a valid pin for the Fan. This fan will be enabled
when the temperature exceeds the "Fan Temp" setting. Its power is controlled
from the UI. This fan cannot be controlled from G-Code (except by bringing the
temperature into the range where the fan will trigger, but that doesn't count).

2. Add a GPIO and set it to the fan pin, then check the "Fan" box in the Gpio
settings for that row. This will make it respond to the G-Code that is supposed
to control the fan (M106/M107). The power can be controlled using the S
parameter for M106 (values must be in the range 0.0-1.0)

3. Add a GPIO and set it to the fan pin, but don't check the "Fan" box. This
will create a general purpose Gpio pin which can be controlled using G-Code.
Specifically, the M42 command. It requires 2 parameters: P selects the Gpio
number (NOT the pin number; the first Gpio you define is 0, regardless of which
pin it controls). S sets the power; 0 for off, 1 for on, anything in between
for a pwm signal. Note that pins which have hardware pwm have a much more
stable output waveform (in case of a fan that means they turn more smoothly,
which you can hear), but other pins do work as well.

4. Technically, you could also enable the "Spindle" box and otherwise do the
same as with option 2. In that case, the spindle commands (M3 or M4 (there is
no difference in Franklin) to start, M5 to stop). This is obviously a hack,
because the fan is not a spindle, so it may confuse people. I don't recommend
doing this.

5. You may be able to do even dirtier hacks connecting the fan to a motor pin.
Don't do that. ;-)

I think that is an exhaustive list. I recommend you use option 2 for the
primary fan you want to control from G-Code, and option 3 for any other fans
you want to control from G-Code. A fan which prevents damage to the machine
should be using option 1 (or be always on).

Does that answer your question?

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Nathan Mihalek

Sep 28, 2021, 11:23:41 PM9/28/21
to MOST Delta Users,, MOST Delta Users, Nathan Mihalek
Thank you Bas!  This helps tremendously. I was thinking I would need to add a GPIO, but was just uncertain how it would connect with the .gcode commands. This helps a lot.  I appreciate it!  I am assuming that the original fan used to cool the hexagon hot end on the athena end effector is controlled using Option 1.  So, I will connect the fan that is used to cool the E3D hotend in the same manner and then use option 2 to control the fans I am mounting to cool the parts on the bed.

Thanks again, much appreciated. 


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