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Module ownership changes for Firefox Desktop (and Toolkit)

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Dave Townsend

Oct 12, 2023, 9:18:59 AM10/12/23
to Firefox Dev,
I've pushed some changes to the module ownership list for Firefox for Desktop and Toolkit. Much of this is just recording the state of reality, as folks have moved on from the project others have taken over but we've just never actually documented that. But it is important to do so for folks not involved in the day to day of the project.

For as long as I can recall Neil Deakin has been owner of the UI Widgets module (formerly XUL Widgets). But as we're moving inexorably towards HTML component based widgets the time has come for that to change. Mark Streimer is taking over with Marco Bonardo, Tim Giles and Hanna Jones as peers.

In Settings UI, Jared Wein left the company a while back and so I will be stepping up as the new owner.

The Desktop UI module (covers the main browser window more generally) was also owned by Jared. Now Mike Conley is moving from peer to owner and Jared Hirsch, Sarah Clements, DJ Walker and Cieara Meador have become peers.

Finally for the main Desktop Firefox and Toolkit modules (which cover everything in the front-end not covered by other modules) Mike Conley and Molly Howell are stepping in as peers replacing Jared Wein and Matt Noorenberghe.

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