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Ownership change for Mozilla CA Certificate Policy module

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Kathleen Wilson

Sep 14, 2023, 12:13:20 PM9/14/23


I plan to hand ownership of the “Mozilla CA Certificate Policy'' module over to Ben Wilson next week. In his role at Mozilla, Ben has become responsible for most of the updates to the Mozilla Root Store Policy (MRSP). Ben has led the discussions and release of 4 versions of the MRSP: versions 2.7.1, 2.8, 2.8.1, and 2.9. For the past couple of years Ben has represented Mozilla on all Certification Authority (CA) compliance bugs related to the enforcement of the MRSP and other policies governing CAs. Additionally, Ben continues to represent Mozilla in the CA/Browser Forum, fostering synergy between the CA/Browser Forum Baseline Requirements and the MRSP.

There are two modules related to Mozilla’s CA Program which govern the default set of certificates in Network Security Services (NSS) and distributed in Mozilla’s software products. They are:

1) CA Certificates

Description: Determine which root certificates should be included in Mozilla software products, which trust bits should be set on them, and which of them should be enabled for EV treatment. Evaluate requests from Certification Authorities (CAs) for inclusion or removal of root certificates, and for updating trust bit settings or enabling EV treatment for already included root certificates.

Owner: Ben Wilson – no change

Peer(s): Kathleen Wilson – no change

2) Mozilla CA Certificate Policy

Description: Definition and enforcement of policies governing Certification Authorities, their root certificates included in Mozilla software products, and intermediate and end-entity certificates within those CA hierarchies.

Owner: Kathleen Wilson -- Proposed Owner: Ben Wilson

Peer(s): Ben Wilson – Proposed Peer(s): Kathleen Wilson

Best Regards,


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