Install extensions without user interaction

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Streich Colomeda, Dimas

Jan 15, 2024, 2:27:16 AMJan 15
to Enterprise Working Group Mailing List (

In our company, we use Firefox Policies with a distribution/policies.json file using ExtensionSettings policy to install them. We recently updated an extension (Breez ClickOnce) and users are viewing two confirmation messages:

- A general msg telling about the extension purpose and giving the option to uninstall it.
- A msg telling to give some permissions.

Is it possible to avoid these messages? They don't know about this extension and the meaning of using it, and they cancel the messages without reading…

Dimas Streich Colomeda
Unitat de Tecnologies de la Informació i Comunicació

Departament de Salut | Generalitat de Catalunya
Av.França s/n | 17007 Girona |
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Mike Kaply

Jan 17, 2024, 3:39:21 PMJan 17
to Streich Colomeda, Dimas, Enterprise Working Group Mailing List (
I'm working on the permission problem, but for the startpage, the addon developer would be best off adding policy support.

I've reached out to them and let them know of the suggestion.


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Streich Colomeda, Dimas

Jan 18, 2024, 2:03:23 AMJan 18
to Mike Kaply, Enterprise Working Group Mailing List (
Thx Mike, I'll stay tuned.
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