On 10/19/22 04:13, Dianna Smith wrote:
> Is it possible to initially enable this for the 108 early beta cycle only?
> If there is no time constraint on shipping this feature, it would be
> good to expose it to a larger population on fx108 early beta and then by
> default for fx109.
> This would give us a 6 weeks on beta before going to release.
> Please let us know if this is possible or your thoughts.
It's definitely possible, but IMO it's a relatively small feature which
has been enabled on Nightly for more than a whole cycle already (see bug
1694741), so I'm not sure if it's worth it.
Is there a good reason why we'd want this feature to take more bake time
than usual?
-- Emilio
> Thank you,
> Dianna Smith,
> Firefox Release Manager
> On Tue, Oct 18, 2022 at 2:59 PM Boris Chiou <
> <mailto:
bch...@mozilla.com>> wrote:
> As of Fx108, I intend to turn "the support of width/height
> attributes on source elements" on by default on all platforms. It
> has been developed behind the
> *dom.picture_source_dimension_attributes.enabled* preference. Status
> in other browsers is: Chrome and Safari have shipped this already.
> /Bug to turn on by default/:
https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#the-source-element <
> This feature was previously discussed in this "Intent to prototype"
> thread:
https://groups.google.com/a/mozilla.org/g/dev-platform/c/V0nhaTr86LA/m/aH-jZUqzAAAJ <
> Thanks
> --
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