Intent-To-Decommission: Compiler Explorer

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Tom Ritter

Aug 26, 2022, 11:07:42 AM8/26/22
For about a year, we have had a Compiler Explorer instance that had some local patches to make it more friendly (in my opinion), hosted mozilla-specific compiler versions (kind of, they got out of date), and most valuably had our header files, allowing you to e.g. quickly prototype code to see if you were getting the string functions correct without a full local compile cycle.

If you've never heard of this service before don't feel bad - it was never advertised because it never got to a point where I was comfortable advertising it.  But some people had found it and liked it and shared it.

It has been hobbling along for the past 9 months with no maintenance, and at this point I think it's fair to say if I haven't gotten the time to fix it in that timeframe, I'm not going to.

I would be happy to turn ownership of it over to someone if they are interested[0], but absent that, I intend to turn it off sometime in the next few weeks.


[0] Maintenance is primarily performing updates on the machine, updating Compiler Explorer itself, updating the mozilla compilers when we bump them and caring about and fixing the _very_ janky header-generation scripts if/when they fail. (Or rewriting them.)
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