Notify about tracked bugs that need attention

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Suhaib Mujahid

Jun 23, 2022, 6:30:37 PM6/23/22
to,,, Marco Castelluccio
We have implemented a feature for autonag to needinfo team managers about tracked bugs with no assignee, low severity, or low priority.
Reminders will be posted on tracked bugs with no assignee when we are close to the soft freeze date.

This replaces pre-existing tools that were performing actions on tracked bugs, resulting in a net reduction of comments and needinfos. One of the previous tools was automatically changing the priority: since many of you were not happy about the bot doing that, we decided to make it a suggestion rather than an abrupt change (but do take into consideration that tracked bugs are important and should be treated with utmost priority, and if you disagree with a tracking decision please clarify things with a release manager as soon as possible).

Following suggestions from the survey we ran recently, the new tool is the first one needinfoing team managers instead of triage owners given that the main goal is finding an assignee or bumping priority. The mapping from components to teams is defined in Bugzilla, and the mapping from teams to managers is defined in autonag.

We are planning to enable the feature on Monday, Jun 27th, 2022. You could peek at examples of bugs that will be affected by checking the dry-run results.

Please let us know if you have any concerns or feedback.

Thank you,
Suhaib, on behalf of the CI and Quality Tools team.
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