Scalable Simulation of Subsurface CO2 Sequestration Processes: the GEOS Open-Source Platform

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Grigory Bronevetsky

Oct 9, 2023, 1:51:38 PM10/9/23

image.pngModeling Talks

Scalable Simulation of Subsurface CO2 Sequestration Processes: the GEOS Open-Source Platform

Hamdi Tchelepi, Stanford


Tuesday, Oct 10 | 9am PT

Meet | Youtube Stream

Hi all,

The presentation will be via Meet and all questions will be addressed there. If you cannot attend live, the event will be recorded and can be found afterward at

Subsurface CO2 sequestration at the scale of Gigatons per year will be necessary to meet the U.N. targets of reducing global CO2 emissions. The subsurface porous formations include deep saline aquifers and depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs. We describe a numerical simulation platform (GEOS) of the physics that governs the dynamics of fluid flow and fluid-solid interactions. The talk includes a statement of the governing equations, numerical discretization methods, and scalable nonlinear and linear solvers of coupled systems of equations in heterogeneous porous formations. The architecture of the open-source HPC platform is (GEOS) is described. Large-scale use-cases will be presented, and simulation results of the injection and post-injection periods will be discussed.


Research: Numerical simulation of flow, transport, and fluid-structure interactions in multiscale porous media.

Areas of ongoing activity: (1) modeling and simulation of unstable miscible and immiscible fluid flow in heterogeneous porous media, (2) development of multiscale numerical solution algorithms for coupled mechanics and multiphase fluid flow in large-scale subsurface formations, and (3) development of stochastic numerical methods that quantify the uncertainty associated with predictions of nonlinear fluid-structure dynamics in heterogeneous porous media.

The application areas include reservoir simulation and subsurface CO2 sequestration at scale. An area of growing interest is modeling and high-fidelity numerical simulation of species transport and fluid-structure interactions in the next-generation of Lithium-ion batteries.

Teaching: I teach courses on multiphase flow in porous media and numerical reservoir simulation.

Professional Activities: President's Individual Achievement Award, sponsored by Chevron and Schlumberger, for successful completion of the Intersect Project (next generation reservoir simulator), 2003; Co-Director, Stanford Reservoir Simulation Affiliates Program (SUPRI-B), 2006-present; Editorial board, Transport in Porous Media, 2005-2010; advisory panel, Center for Computational Earth and Environmental Science, 2005-present; graduate admissions committee, Department of Energy Resources Engineering, 2004-2017; Editorial board, SPE Journal, 2000-present; member, SPE, AGU, APS, SIAM, 1999-present; Edmund W. Littlefield Fellow, 1993-94

More information on previous and future talks:

Grigory Bronevetsky

Oct 11, 2023, 3:50:41 PM10/11/23
to Talks, Grigory Bronevetsky
Video Recording:


  • Simulation of CO2 sequestration

  • Model the process of injecting CO2 deep underground and the long post-injection evolution of the CO2 plume(s)

  • Supercritical state: High density, low viscosity

  • Consideration:

  • Safety

  • Injectivity

  • Capacity

  • Containment

  • Interactions

  • Long-term fate

  • Phenomena to model

  • Multiphase flow dynamics

  • Hydro-fracturing

  • Hydro-shearing

  • Fault reactivation

  • Induced seismicity

  • Well integrity

  • Surface deformation

  • Challenges

  • Multi-physics

  • Multi-scale

  • HPC

  • Sequestration process

  • Capture CO2 from either point or distributed sources.  Point sources include cement plants, steel manufacturing, fertilizer production, biomass energy, natural gas power plants, blue hydrogen production, etc.  There is recent interest as well in “direct air capture,” pulling CO2 directly from the atmosphere.  This is energy inefficient compared to point source capture but may be necessary long-term to achieve climate change targets. 

  • Compress the CO2, and inject under ground (800 meters +) into small pores within rock formations

  • Salt-water aquifer

  • Supercritical CO2 initially exists as a separate phase, but begins dissolving into surrounding in-situ brine.

  • Trapping process:

  • Structural: Solid, impermeable rock layers above injection formations to keep the CO2 contained.

  • Residual: CO2 trapped in micron-scale pores within the rock

  • Dissolution trapping: CO2 dissolves into surrounding salt water and no longer buoyant

  • Mineral trapping: CO2 reacts with surrounding rock, creating new solid minerals (e.g. Ankerite:

  • Mineral trapping is the biggest hope but it takes a long time, so main focus of project design is to rely on structural, residual and dissolution trapping

  • CO2 sequestration dynamics are challenging to model because several important effects are at play: gravity currents, convective dissolution, geomechanical interactions

  • Model: 

  • Rock pores are micron-size

  • CO2 fingers start at the cm scale

  • Rock formations are kms in size

  • Time scales: years - Kyears

  • 10's to 100's years for dissolution dynamics to fully engage

  • 100s of years for dissolution process to complete

  • Data-limited: 

  • Cores and wellbore logging tools at wellbore locations

  • Well-based observations of flow rates, pressure, temperature, fluid composition

  • Remote geophysical imaging methods.  Mainly active 3D/4D seismic imaging and passive microseismic monitoring and tomography.  Other techniques such as satellite-based InSAR, electromagnetics, gravity surveys, and various types of fiber optic monitoring may be applicable depending on site characteristics.

  • Data assimilation and uncertainty quantification are critical for aligning model to reality

  • Multiscale poromechanics

  • Flow of CO2 fluid through solid rock matrix

  • Structural mechanics of the rock matrix to evaluate its stability and impact of CO2 injection on the rock matrix

  • Fluid-structural interactions:

  • Multiple fluids: supercritical CO2, salt-water, possibly hydrocarbons (multiple fluid phases)

  • Multi-phase flow

  • Interphase mass transfer

  • Flow-GeoMechanics Simulation: Physics, multi-scale, coupled flow+mechanics, IHU discretization, non-linear solvers, scalable algorithms

  • Simulator objectives:

    • Unstructured geo grids: faults, fractures

    • Tightly coupled flow, transport, mechanics

    • Solvers: algebraic and multi-level (different solvers for each scale/physics)

    • Scalable HPC

  • Validation

    • Related communities to be inspired from:

      • Oil and gas simulation

      • Subsurface hydrology

    • Careful use of available data

      • Understanding of structural and regional geology

      • Seismic information

    • Need to constantly adapt the model based on changes in data: couple forward and inverse problems

    • Confidence and processes improve as you keep doing projects

  • Model uncertainty

    • Physics at pore-scale is well-known and we are confident about our approximations of this process

    • Most of the uncertainty is in the details of the geology of the target formation and the layers around it

      • Seismic surveys give you resolution at many meters

      • Need to create fine-grained of geology with appropriate discontinuities and roughness that is consistent with the seismic survey data

      • Use-case for generative models (e.g. ML) that create rough geology models

  • HPC scalability

    • GEOS can be used at high resolution on leading-scale supercomputers

    • Or at lower scale on smaller clusters

    • Goal: suites of multi-fidelity resolutions, coupled with neural surrogates

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