Using systems thinking and complexity economics to model the energy transition | 9am PT July 2, 2024

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Grigory Bronevetsky

Jun 28, 2024, 1:03:58 AMJun 28

image.pngModeling Talks

Using systems thinking and complexity economics to model the energy transition

Dr. Pete Barbrook-JohnsonUniversity of Oxford


Tues, July 2 | 9pm PT

Meet | Youtube Stream

Hi all,

The presentation will be via Meet and all questions will be addressed there. If you cannot attend live, the event will be recorded and can be found afterward at

In this talk, Dr. Pete Barbrook-Johnson will present research using methods from systems thinking and complexity economics to model the energy transition. In particular, he will show how both systems mapping and agent-based modelling can be applied to policy questions. Pete will show examples of these methods being used, comment on challenges in their use, and plot some future directions. You can read more about Pete’s work at and follow him on Twitter @bapeterj.



Pete Barbrook-Johnson is a social scientist, economist, complexity scientist, and systems thinker. He regularly uses research methods such as agent-based modelling and systems mapping in his applied environmental, energy, and public health research and policy analysis. He teaches on a range of undergraduate and masters courses, focussing on the economics of environmental change, and the use of complexity and systems sciences in environmental issues.

Recent work highlights include:

  • His book on systems mapping, a practical guide written with Dr. Alexandra Penn.

  • library of new economic modelling case studies. Pete led the production of this large report with colleagues from China, India, Brazil, the EU, and UK. It presents a range of new economic modelling approaches being used to understand and inform policy on the energy transition.

View a full list of Pete's academic publications on his Google Scholar page.

More information on previous and future talks:

Grigory Bronevetsky

Jul 8, 2024, 1:07:26 AM (10 days ago) Jul 8
to Talks, Grigory Bronevetsky
Video Recording:


  • Focus: modeling the global energy transition 

    • Approach: systems thinking, complexity economics

  • Assertions:

    • We need climate economy models to fit the decisions we face now

    • We need a variety of models to mitigate bias in analysis

      • Observations: many existing models have a bias (e.g. Dynamic General Equilibrium Models, which are typically used by Integrated Assessment Models)

  • Needs of decision makers

    • Public policy: know they need to address climate change, need to design specific, sector focused policies that accomplish the transition and are economically beneficial

    • Business policy: need to make strategic decisions that position their business for success

  • Modeling approach:

    • Traditional economic models are equilibrium-based, 

      • Predicts the optimal/stable state the system will settle into

      • Focused on marginal changes around the equilibrium

      • Examples (from least detailed to most): Systems Mapping, Economic Complexity, Stochastic Experience Curves, Disequilibrium Macro, Future Technology Transformation., System Dynamics, Agent-based Modeling

    • However, the target problem is explicitly a change between equilibria

      • Need range of possible outcomes

      • Dynamic description of how the system changes over time

  • New modeling approach

    • More granular, regions, sectors

    • Tech progress

    • Policy in details

    • More dynamic (explicit time), no equilibrium

    • Models need more granular data than prior generation of models

  • Example: Systems Mapping

    • Represent the causal structure in a system

    • Typically captured via directed graphs (edges are cause->effect relationships)

    • Useful for: structuring thinking about the problem, synthesizes/organizes information, helps communication, helps to extrapolate 

    • Types:

      • Simple Causal Loop

        • Simple graph

        • Identifies primary feedbacks (dampening vs amplifying change)

      • Systems-based Theory of Change

        • Medium complexity

        • Causal assumptions behind our theory of change

        • Inputs + activities -> outputs + outcomes

      • Participatory System Map

        • High complexity

        • Captures knowledge from many stakeholders

        • Builds ownership by stakeholders, consensus

    • Often used as the first step to building a system dynamics model

    • Future directions:

      • Using data to build these

        • Quantitative: time series, causal inference

        • Text data via LLM/NLP

      • Blend available data sources

  • Example: Agent-based Modeling

    • Very detailed and quantitative

    • Modeling occupation-level unemployment in Brazilian labor market

      • How will different development paths affect employment in sectors, regions, occupations?

    • Built an occupational mobility network

      • Nodes: occupations

      • Edges: workers moving between occupations

      • Based on detailed dataset of occupation changes

    • Labor market shocks/scenarios for Total Factor Productivity (TFP)

      • Sourced from the World Bank

      • Baseline: not changing

      • TFP in Agriculture increases .5% per year

        • Impacts: 1.8% higher GDP, moderate deforestation reduction, more CO2 emissions

      • TFP in Manufacturing increases .5% per year

        • Impacts: 3.9% higher GDP, higher deforestation reduction, lower CO2 emissions

      • Note: Brazil is a major CO2 emitter, mostly from Agriculture and Land Use, little from energy

    • Propagated these shocks through the occupational mobility network

      • People chose/transition to new occupations at rates that have been observed in the dataset

      • Useful for both prediction and for identifying key mobility bottlenecks that may need to be addressed by policymakers

  • Modeling for policy

    • Modeling often used as policies are being designed; need to be maintained through the entire deployment cycle to help with policy evaluation

    • Challenges:

      • Conceptual

      • Practical: data and different types of outputs

      • Institutional: risk aversion, structures around existing models

    • How to start with detailed modeling?

      • Systems mapping, then iteratively increase complexity

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