Machine Learning in Geosciences: Earthquakes, Ice, and XAI | 9:30am Fri, Apr 12 2024

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Grigory Bronevetsky

Apr 8, 2024, 3:59:48 PMApr 8

image.pngModeling Talks

Machine Learning in Geosciences: Earthquakes, Ice, and XAI

Karianne J. Bergen, Brown University


Friday, Apr 12 | 9:30 am PT

Meet | Youtube Stream

Hi all,

The presentation will be via Meet and all questions will be addressed there. If you cannot attend live, the event will be recorded and can be found afterward at

In recent years, machine learning (ML) has been increasingly adopted by researchers in the geosciences as a tool for analyzing large, complex scientific data sets. In this talk, I will present an overview of the progress and opportunities in ML for the geosciences over the last five years, providing an update since the publication of a 2019 review paper based on my experience working within the geophysics community to develop data-driven methods for large-scale earthquake detection. I will discuss how my research group is working closely with domain experts in multiple geoscience subfields to develop and apply explainable AI, uncertainty quantification, and domain-aware ML techniques to ensure trustworthy scientific discoveries with machine learning. I will discuss ongoing research to develop a framework for making neural network architectures more interpretable for use in scientific applications through the use of instance-based explanations. I will also present two ongoing projects in cryospheric science: developing a neural network-based emulator (surrogate model) for climate simulations of ice sheet contributions to sea level change, with a focus on modeling uncertainty, and applying a physics-constrained ML downscaling method to enhance sea ice concentrations in the arctic. 

Dr. Karianne J. Bergen is an Assistant Professor of Data Science and Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences and Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Brown University. Her research interests are in scientific machine learning and trustworthy and explainable AI, with a focus on applications in the geosciences. Dr. Bergen earned a B.Sc. in Applied Mathematics from Brown University, and a M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Computational and Mathematical Engineering from Stanford University, where her dissertation focused on algorithms for scalable earthquake detection in multi-sensor regional seismic networks. She completed her postdoctoral training at Harvard University as a Data Science Initiative Postdoctoral Fellow in Computer Science and Earth and Planetary Sciences. Dr. Bergen also previously held a role as a staff data scientist in the Biological and Chemical Defense Systems Group at MIT-Lincoln Laboratory.  Dr. Bergen’s current research is supported by the Scientific AI Center, funded by the Office of Naval Research. This semester she is teaching an interdisciplinary seminar course called Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning.

More information on previous and future talks:

Grigory Bronevetsky

Apr 9, 2024, 1:21:07 PMApr 9
Correction: this talk will be held at 10AM PT on Friday April 19, 2024. Thanks!

image.pngModeling Talks

Machine Learning in Geosciences: Earthquakes, Ice, and XAI

Karianne J. Bergen, Brown University


Friday, Apr 19 | 10:00 am PT

Grigory Bronevetsky

Apr 9, 2024, 6:15:47 PMApr 9
Corrected Correction! 
This talk will be held at 10AM PT on Friday April 26, 2024. Thanks!

image.pngModeling Talks

Machine Learning in Geosciences: Earthquakes, Ice, and XAI

Karianne J. Bergen, Brown University


Friday, Apr 26 | 10:00 am PT

Grigory Bronevetsky

Apr 26, 2024, 12:07:21 PMApr 26
to Talks, Grigory Bronevetsky
Reminder, this talk will start in 1 hour. Thank you!

Grigory Bronevetsky

May 3, 2024, 1:52:11 PMMay 3
to Talks, Grigory Bronevetsky
Video Recording:


  • Focus: novel ML solutions to help scientists (more on physical and Earth sciences)

    • Explainable AI

    • Physic-informed learning

    • UQ

  • Large-scale Earthquake detection

    • Seismic sensors have collected data over data

    • Developing new algorithms to discover small earthquakes from this data

    • P-wave: smaller wave at the start of the seismic event

    • S-wave: larger wave of the full shock

    • Challenges:

      • Heterogeneous background noise

      • Low signal to noise ratio

      • Data quality/missing data issues

      • Large data but few labels

    • Earthquake: regional shaking caused by slips along a fault (rather than trucks or explosions)

    • Traditional approach: Template matching of waveform patterns of known events

      • Correlate same pattern across many sites

      • Challenge: relies on prior knowledge of event shapes

      • Need a way to detect earthquakes without prior knowledge: find new waveforms

    • New approach: FAST

      • Scalable detection of new events, new signal shapes

      • Assumes limited waveform catalog

      • Uses domain knowledge: based on waveform similarity matching


      • Compute similarity metric between waveforms

        • Cluster time periods with similar waveforms at similar times in correlated regions

        • Eliminated repeating signals that are not individual events (e.g. background car traffic)

        • Spectral representation of data using wavelets

        • Computationally efficient, few false detections

    • Key takeaways:

      • Scientific datasets have limitations and reflect current knowledge (e.g. instrument technology)

      • Methods in ML literature may not reflect real data/tasks

      • Opportunities for developing new methods

      • Scientific knowledge&physical models can improve the data analysis: bias model towards known physics (e.g., look for correlated patterns at different stations)

      • Interdisciplinary collaboration is critical

    • Machine learning for data-driven discovery in solid Earth geoscience (2019):

      • Lack of large high quality labeled datasets

      • Limited sharing of research codes and data

      • Difference in research cultures hinders collaboration (shared language, presentation venues)

      • Data analysis needs of geoscience

    • Scientific discovery in the age of artificial intelligence (2023):

  • Explainable AI for Scientific Data

    • Hard to gain insights from analyses of scientific data

    • Deep learning/data-driven models

      • May learn non-physical solutions

      • No uncertainty estimation

      • Black box - no explanation

    • SciAI center: interpretable ML architectures:

      • Instance-based explanations by design

      • Relate a new test observation to a set of prototypical examples

      • Prototypical examples are learned, part of neural network architecture

    • Approach:

      • Take a predictive neural network

      • Replace final fully connected layer with a prototype layer

      • Encoder or input data (e.g. image)

      • Compare input to encoded prototypes

      • Output softmax of similarity (like attention)

      • Prototypes as template waveforms

    • Prototype-based Joint Embedding Method (PB&J): 

      • Sample prototypes from the training data

      • Identifies which training instances resulted in conflicting predictions

      • Explicit representation of model confidence

      • Generates ensemble of predictions: estimate model confidence with explanations for ambiguous cases

  • ML and the Cryosphere

    • A Variational LSTM Emulator of Sea Level Contribution From the Antarctic Ice Sheet (2023)

    • Question: How much will Antarctic or Greenland ice sheet contribute to sealevel rise

      • Typical approach: climate simulation

      • Can ML emulate these models (surrogates)?

      • Approach: Variational LSTM emulator of sea level contributions from Antarctica

        • Dataset: models in ISMIP6:

        • Emulators: smaller-scale approximations of fully detailed models

        • LSTM-based model outperforms Gaussian Process emulator

          • Ensemble and mean & distribution

          • Uncertainty via random dropout

          • Computational advantage allows richer set of forcings

    • How will changing climate affect navigability of Arctic ocean

      • New potential shipping routes

      • Most pass through narrow straits that are too small to resolve in climate models

      • Approach: ML-based downscaling

      • Result: outperforms standard (interpolation-based) techniques

      • Future: apply to CMIP6

    • New England community-driven Coastal Climate Research and Solutions (3CRS):

      • Working to downscale models to New England region

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