[meshery-community] Fwd: Figma Education Plan Access

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'Lee Calcote' via Meshery Community

Sep 7, 2022, 11:01:29 PM9/7/22
to comm...@meshery.io

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From: Debopriya Bhattacharjee <debopriya.b...@layer5.io>
Subject: Figma Education Plan Access
Date: September 7, 2022 at 5:50:22 PM CDT
To: Layer5 Interns <int...@layer5.io>, employees <empl...@layer5.io>, Community Managers <community...@layer5.io>

Hi All,

Please note that we recently switched the ownership of our Figma projects to Figma's Education Plan. While every member with view access can continue without any changes, anyone with edit access to our Layer5 Education team will need to verify their email and Education status. 

If you are not verified under Figma Education yet, you can do so easily from https://www.figma.com/education/. In case you are a recent graduate, list your alma mater as your school. That should be valid for at least two years.

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. 


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